I t
Famous Creeper, Gen. Syn. ii. p. 720. N? 21.
A Specimen o f this, in the colleftion o f the-late Mr. Boddam,
was called by the name o f Sugar-Bird.
Black and Blue Creeper, Gen. Syn. ii. p. 724. N® 26.
Specimen o f this, in the colleftion o f Mr. Green, of Lamletb,
was of a dirty green colours but the yellow markings on the
wings the fame. Whether a female, or a young bird, is uncertain.
Blue Creeper, Gén. Syn. ii. p. 725. N° 27.
o N E of thefe, in poffeffion o f M r. Jones, o f Bermondfey, has the
bill and legs red.
Cayenne Creeper, Gem Syn. ii. p.728. N°
rieties o f this fpecies, or rather the young not arrived at perfeft
plumage. The one meafures in length five inches: general colour
of the plumage palifh green j the under parts lightefi, and
marked with perpendicular ftreaks o f white on the chin, throat,
and breaft : over the eye a pale ftreak, and beneath it one of
black : quills and tail dark green, with pale edges. The other
is not quite fo long: general colour o f the plumage green : fides
o f the head, chin, and throat, as far as the breaft, dafbed with perpendicular
green ftreaks : quills and tail darker than the, reft of
the plumage.
Wall Creeper, Gen. Syn. ii, p. 730. N° 32. 32-
Certhia muraria, Faun- Arag, p. 74. WALL CR.
• J ’H I S is found in Spain, particularly about Jacca, in the province
of Arragon, where it is called Paxaco aranero. It has
been obferved about the Caucafiän rocks in Afia, but not elfe-
where in that neighbourhood. It feems, in every place where it
has been yet found, to be a fcarce bird.
Wattled Creeper, Gen. Syn. ii. p. 732. N° 34. 34.
J N the account o f Cook’s laft voyage, after defcribing the bird, it
is obferved that it was the only finging one found at Tonga -
taboo; and that it compenfated a good deal for the want o f the
notes o f others by the ftrength and melody o f its own, which fill
the woods at dawn, in the evening, and at the breaking up of
bad weather*. It is faid alfo to be found at others o f the Friendly
Ifles, and known by the name o f Foulehaioo f .
Mocking Creeper, Gen. Syn. ii. p. 73;. N“ 39. 39,
fJT 'H E note o f this fpecies is faid not to be unlike that o f the
Poe Bird. Is found in greateft plenty in Queen Charlotte’s
Sound, and called there Neghd bdrra.
E N G T H eight inches and a half. Bill an inch and a quar- LOURED CR.
ter, not much bent; the colour a black brown: the head, D jscmption.
* Cook’s Laß Voyage, i. p.334 + LA. App.
S uppl. S neck,