2&. 4- COMMON
(Common Buzzard, Gen. Syn. i. p. 48. N» zS.— Ard. Zod. ji. N° 103.
Falco buteo,, Brun. Orn. p. 5.— Muller, N° 64.-v.Gwrg« Rcifc, p. 164_
Faun. Arag. p. 68. 3.
Very common bird on the continent o f Europe. In France,
known by the name o f Goiran ; is moft plentiful, in winter,
about Lyons, where it is drefled for the table, and even thought
good food, being at that fealon as fat as afowl. The eggs are faid
to be cinereous, marked with deeper-coloured fpots*. Inhabits
both the northern and fouthern parts of Ruffia, though lefs frequent
than feme other fpecies: is more abundant about Aftrachan :
common in Spain: called in the province o f Aragon, Alferraz.
Honey Buzzard, Gen. Syn. i. p. 52. N° 33.— Ard. Zod. ii. p. 224. X.
Falco apivorus, Bran. p. 5.— Muller, N“ 68.
' J 'H I S fpecies is not very common, either in England or on the
continent o f Europe, though inhabiting various parts o f i t :
is feen as far north as Sondmor, in Norway; common in the open,
parts o f Ruffia and Sibiria, near woods s and feeds much on L izards
f . It alfo is fond o f Mice, being a great enemy to them,
and hunting after them in the manner o f the Ow/J. The
eggs are o f a very deep red-brown, with ferruginous blotches o f
chefnut if.
* LItft. At Lyons, i. p. 198.— I have never feen the eggs, but am informed by
Mr. Beys, that they are of a blueiih white, marked with irregular'rufous lpots;
the lhape of the egg almoft globular; ufually three in the nell.
d Arft. Zool.
I Brunnich.— Hence called Mufi-Hog and Mu/e-baage.
II Portland Mufeum,
Moor Buzzard, Gen. Syn. i. p. 53. N" 34.—ArS. Zod. ii, p. 22;, L. MOOR BÜZ
Falco teruginofus, Brun. p. 3.— Muller, N° 69,—Faun. Arag. p. 69.6.— ZARD
Sefp. Fog. pi. in p. 15.
A Female will weigh fometimes twenty-feven ounces. Inhabits
England j found chiefly on the moors: builds on the ground ;
the neft compoled o f dried flicks, intermixed with dry Jedges or
decayed leaves 5 the laft chiefly within: the eggs o f a blueiih
white *. Common alfo on the continent of Europe, and found as
far north as the laft fpecies j is a common bird in the fouth of
Ruffia, but not met with in Sibiria f .
Collared F. Gen. Syn. i. p. c6. N°37.— Arft. Zool. ii. p. 222. G. 37*
w 1 | S Falco rufticolus, Fƒau n. AGr oen7L MNo° 34. COLLARED F.
H I S inhabits Greenland, but is feldom met with, as it frequents
the moft remote places: is called by the natives M il-
lekulartok, fignifying J'potted. In the defert and open places between
the Bon and Wolga, in the Ruffian dominions, it is alfo feen j
but is not a common bird J.
* Sepp.—-\{ the bird known in France by the name of Faux Perdrieux, is faid tC
build on the tops of high trees which grow iingly, eipecially a,t Auvergne and
Forefi.— Hi ft. do Lyons, i. N° 203.
f Arfl.ZooL % Dee.Rtffl i.jp, 314.