42. Lev. Muf.
P l a c e *
fT , H I S is Icfs flout than the Cinereous Ow l: length twenty-
one inches. The bill ftrong, hooked, yellow, and half co-
veredwith refleifled black briftles : the head fmall in proportion,
not fo fully clothed with feathers, giving it the air of a Hawk :
the colour of the head and neck white, and the feathers on thofe
parts appear woolly : on each fide o f the head a large patch o f
black brown furrounding the eyes : the chin is alfo of the fame
colour: the upper parts o f the body are red brown, and a bar o f
the fame croffes the breaft: the under parts of the body rufous
white: the quills and tail brown, crofied with narrow bars o f a
paler brown ; tip of the laft white: the legs are feathered to the
toes with yellowifh white feathers: the claws horn-colour.
I found this fingular fpecies among a solleflion o f birds which
were brought from Cayenne, and the fpecimen is now in the Leve-
rian colleftion. A label affixed to the leg named it Le Plon~
r p HIS.bird in colour lomewhat refembles the Aluco Owl, but
is-certainly a different fpecies. The bill and irides are yellow
: the general colour of the plumage cinereous : chin and’
fpace round the eyes black : the outermoft quill, and half the next,
ferrated on the outer edge : the tail rather long.
This inhabits Sibiria, but only found in the mountains in the
eajlern parts.-—Mr. Pennant.
O r d e r