P l a c e .
i l—-
W O O D P E C K E R .
«reft: the throat and fore part o f the neck rufous yellow: leffer
•wing coverts crimfon : quills dufky red on the outer, and brown
marked with roundilh white fpots on the inner webs : the bread,
belly, and vent, are rufous white, crofted with black bands: the
back dirty reddilh grey : rump pale greenilh yellow, crofted with
black bands: tail black; the feathers remarkably ftiff, and the
lhafts prominent: legs black.
Inhabits Malacca.
* * W I T H T H R E E T O E S .
Three-toed Woodpecker, Gen. Syn. ii. p, 600. N° 51.
ficus trida&ylus, Georgi Reijet p, 16
WE are informed, that this fpecies is found as low on the European
continent as Woronefch on the river Bon, though in
lefs plenty than the other kinds. The female is faid to have the
crown white, where the male is red, and has more white about her
in the other parts o f the body*. In Sibiria it is almoft as common
as other fpecies. Inhabits the parts about the Lake.Baikal f .
I have received feveral from Hudfon's Bay, which vary much in
fizej the largeft is nine inches and three quarters in length.
Some had the fides o f the belly barred tranfverfely with black and
white, others n o t: fome had the back plain black, in others it
was fpotted with white 5 but all were probably o f one fex, as the
heads were yellow.
* Dtc. Rujf. i. p. 100. f Georgi.
G e n u s
C 1*3 1
Genus X X I I . J A C A M A R .
N ’ 4. White-billed J.
Paradife Jacamar, Gett. Sjh . ii. p. 605. N° 3.
T N a collection o f birds from Cayenne was one o f thefe, which
had the crown o f the head brown, and the general colour of the
plumage more dull than ufual. This was molt likely the fe male.
O l Z E fmaller than the Green Jacamar: length feven inches. l e d j .
The bill quite ftrait, fcarcely an inch and a half long, and D escrip t ion.
white, except the bafe o f the upper mandible, which is dulky: on
each fide o f the noftrils are three or four ftiff briftles : the plumage
on the upper parts o f the body is deep glofify green : on the
chin a triangular white fpot 5 juft under the bill, within the fpot,
pale rufous : the under parts o f the body rufous, but deeper: the
tail Ihort, even at the end; the two middle feathers green, the
others rufous: legs black.
I met with this in the collection o f the late Dr. Hunter, fup-
pofed to have been brought from South America.
Suppl. CL G e n u s