T ,
Long-tailed Titmoufe, Gen.Syn. iv. p. 55a. NS 18.— Aril. Zool. ii.p .428. G.
Parus caudatus, Sepp Vogi pi. in p. 49.
t N ray Synopfis I have faid, that this bird had been brought
from Jamaica. I think it neceflary here to inform the reader,
that my friend, who related to me the circumftance, was led into
the error, from receiving it among fome other birds which were
natives o f that place; but was afterwards informed that it had
been added to them in England, after their arrival.
Bearded Titmoufe, Gen. Syn. 1«. p. 552. N° 20.— Art!. Zool. ii. p. 428. H.
"Faros biarmicus,Sepp Zog. pl.inp. 83.~-Brun. p. 8. (Lanins.)
| H AV E never yet been able myfelf to afcertain the neft and
eggs. In Sepp’s plate the neft is placed on the ground among
the [edges. It is of a very loofe texture, compofed of the tops o f
dry grafs, mixed with the feed-heads o f rujhes and reeds, with narrow
leaves intermixed. The eggs four in number, of a reddilh
white, marked with fmall brown fpots.
This fpecies is found in Scbonen, in Sweden; but rarely. Is
very common about the Cafpian Sea and Talus Mteotis, and among
the rulhes o f the rivers which fall into them; but in no high latitudes
in Aft a. None in Sibiria *.
Hudfon’ s Bay Titmoufe, Gen. Syn, iv. p. 557. N° 4.—Are!. Zool. ii. p. 423.
* j^ H I S fpecies has fcarce any note beyond a chirp. Is feen
among juniper plains the whole year. In winter, fly in fmall
flocks, a little way at a time. Builds in the jumpers in June, and
makes a neft of grafs, lined with feathers. The young fly the
beginning of July. In the fummer its food is flies of all kinds;
and is very fond o f mojkitoes, with which it alfo brings up its
young; but in winter, is obliged to fubfift on berries andfeeds,
and at times on the infides o f juniper and pine buds, faid to be.
ftored up for the purpofe *.
Great-headed Titmoufe, Gen. Syn. iv. p..537. N° 25. 2;.
Variety, met with in Norfolk IJland, differed in having the ED T.
breaft of a beautiful crimfon, inftead o f orange f . V *R- A-
* Mr. Hutchins- t AnderJonH MS,,
G £ N-U S