V ak. A.
G i n v s L X X X IX . G U L L .
Black.headed Gull. Gen. Syn.vi. p. *So. N* 9.
Larus ridibundus, Sefp Vog. pi. in p. 153. ilf. and Few.
^ p H I S appears firft about Romney, on the coaft o f Kent, about
the 17th of April, and departs the beginning of September. A
few appear again in the winter*.
Black-toed Gull. Gen. Syr:, viv p. 387. N° 15..
thefe by Mr. Jackfon, which was Ihot at Fieldplace, near
Horjbam, in Sujfex. It differs from that defcribed in my Synopfts
in a few particulars. It is fixteen inches in length. The whole
plumage darker coloured, and mixed with ferruginous j the quills-
marked at the tips with the fame : bread mottled with white :
the lhape o f the tail a trifle rounded at the end : the quills, when
clofed, reach an inch beyond the tip of it t -
Tarrock Gull, Gen. Syn. vLp. 393 ■ N ' 18-
j Received this variety, killed near Teingmouth, in the county of
Devon, November 1785 J.
* Mr. Boys,
f The tail in my fpecimen had but ten feathers; that of Brijfim contained!
twelve: I therefore fufpett my bird to have been deficient therein.
$ Mr. Martin.
G e v u 5
G enus X C . P E T R E L .
Shearwater, Gen. Syn. \i. p.406. N°i r.
' p H E Shearwater is obferved to fly in an undulating manner,
defcending fo as almofl to touch the furface of the v/ater, and
then riling again alternately. When fwimming on the water, it
appears to raife itfelf with the greated difficulty from the furface;
and, in the effort, the head preponderates for fome diflance, when
the bill is feen to cut the waters hence the name o f Cutwater,
or Shearwater, has perhaps been given to the bird *.
Stormy Petrel, Gen. Syn. vi. p. 411. N* 18»
EJ"' H I S bird vifits the ifle o f Thanet early in the winter; fome-
times in the month of Otlober. One killed there in January +.
In the middle o f O M e r lad, one o f thefe was feen on the banks o f
the Thames, near Northfleet\, when a boy threw a done at it, and
dunned it, fo as to take it with the hand. This was fent to me,
and, as it appeared not hurt, I endeavoured to keep it alive, but
it would by no means feed. It would dip its bill into a cup of
water, when placed in the cage by it, but refufed all kind of food,
and died the third day after I received it. It feemed to walk in a
tripping manner, and with fome difficulty, when on its feet; and
would frequently fit down, refting the body on the whole length
of the hind part of the legs.
* Mr. Jackfon. + Mr. Boys. J Mr. Macbeth.
G e nus