336 h e r o n .
P l a c e .
Snowy Heron, Gen. Syn. v. p. 92. N° 61,
Ardea nivea, &c. Jacq. p. 18. N° 13.
^ J 'H I S is one third lefs than the Bittern, The bill b la ck:
irides yellow: the whole plumage as white as /now: the
hind head, back part of the neck, fides o f the breaft, and the
back, covered with long narrow hair-like feathers, flowing very
beautifully with every puff of wind j but thofe o f the hind head
longer than the reft, forming a penfile creft: the legs are black :
the toes yellow.
This bird inhabits the parts near Carthagena, in South America- 5
called, by the Spaniards, Garfa blanca. The voice is loud and disagreeable.
Is fometimes eaten by the Indians. This is, no
doubt, the fame bird with my Snowy Heron, which I alfo find is
not uncommon in India *, as well as other parts of the old continent
before defcribed.
I find alfo, in the drawings of Mr. Middleton, a Smaller Heron,
wholly white j the length Sixteen inches : bill three, pretty flout,
and yellow : irides orange : legs black. This is Said to inhabit
Bengal, where it is called Caboga. It Seems to be greatly allied
to the L ittle White Heron, but I will not determine it to be the
lame Species.
Violet Heron, Gen. Syn. v. p. 97. N° 69.
'T ’ H I S bird is Said to be very common in the Eaft Indies. In
Some drawings from thence, the bill was black, tinged with
f Lady Jmpey,
H E R O N . *37
red on the Sides: the crown of the head, the whole body, and tail,
black : the neck, vent, and under tail coverts, of a pure white:
legs dirty yellow j in Some Specimens red.
This bird is called, at Bengal, Monickjore; at Hindoftan, Lug-
lug. It is reckoned pretty good eating, and ufed for iport in falconry,
in the manner that the Heron formerly was in this kingdom
Coromandel Heron, Gen. Syn. v. p. ioz. N» yS.
Mr. Middleton. In addition to the defcription o f the bill in the
Synopfis, I obferve that the ends o f the two mandibles much re-
femble a pair of pincers, being broad at that part, and not pointed,
as in the Pondicherry Heron. In this circumftance, So greatly
different from all others o f the genus, as to juftify the nice orni-
thologift in forming a new one.
I find it to be common on the Ganges, but more So on the
'Gumpta -, and that it is known by the name of Goungbill.
Lev. Muf.
C I Z E Smaller than our Common Heron: length nearly three feet.
® Bill Seven inches long, of a dufky yellow; the end black or
dufky : the head and greater part of the neck are of a pale
ferruginous colour: chin and throat white: the top of the
head black, and the feathers elongated into a creft almoft three
inches in length : on the back part of the neck is a lift or ftripe
D e s c r i p t i o n »
* Mr. Middleton*
o f