G e n u s X IV . O R I O L E.
N° 46.. Yellow-throated O. N i>47. Rudy O.
ËK H I fÉl
V a r .
D esjclb.j p t i on.
White-beaded 'Oriole, Gen. Syn. ii. p. 422. N° 4.
JT E N G T H nine inches and a half; breadth thirteen and a
half; weight an ounce and three quarters. The head white,
except a fpot of black on the crown : neck and bread glofly black,
Lotted wirh white : leffer’wirig coverts the fame, but more faint:
baftajd wing fpotted white and black ; the outer quills white : the
red of the bird brow-nidi black-: legs pale delh-coiour. '
This was brought to Mr. Hutchins, while at Hudfon’s Bay, by
the name o f Wawpawchou Chuckithou, in the month of July, 1781;
faid to refort among other Blackbirds, but not common. I fufpeft
it to be a variety of my White-headed Oriole.
Another fimilar to this is mentioned in the Arbiic Zoology *,
which was aboutSan inch diorter: head and throat white: ridge
o f the wing, fird primary, and thighs, the fame ; and a few oblong
ftrokes of white on the bread : the red o f the bird dufky, glofied
■ in parts with green. This likewife is mod probably a fecond variety
o f the White-headed Oriole, being found at Hudfon's Bay.
* Hiidjtmian White-headed Oriole.— ArEt, Zool. u. p.260.
Golden Oriole, Gen. Syn. ii. p. 449. N° 43.
Oriolas galbula, GeorgiReife, p. 165.— Sepp, Vog. pi. in p. 19.
C I N C E the fird publication o f my Synopfis, this bird has twice
been Ihot in England. One o f the fpecimens is now in my
collection. The Var. A. o f this fpecies is common in India,
where it is called Mango-bird, as.it appears fir-ft at the ripening of
that fruit, and is at that feafon in great plenty *.
Yellow-throated Oriole, Arff. Zool. ii. N? 450.
T E N G T H nine inches,breadth fifteen and a half. Bill dulky:
over the eye a bright .yellow droke : cheeks and throat the
fame: the red o f the plumage tinged with green: fome o f the
wing coverts tipped with white: legs dulky.
Shot at Hudfon’s Bay,
Rufty Oriole, Arid. Zool. ii. N° 156.
J E N G T H between feven and eight inches. Bill dulky: head,
•*-' and hind part of the neck, of a blackilh purplilh hue; the
edges of the feathers rud-coloured: from the bill, over and beneath
the eyes, extends a black fpace, reaching to the hind part of
the head: throat and.under fide of the neck, the bread, and back,
black, edged with pale ru d : belly dulky : wings and tail black,
glofied with green.
This appears, the latter end of OSlober, in New-Tork, and makes
a very Ihort day there, probably on its way foutherly from Hudfon’s
Bay, where it is alfo found.
* Lady Imfey*
D e s c r i p t io n .
D e s c r i p t io n ,
P e a c e .