94 C U R U c U I.
fpot of red at the bottom: the reft of the body, wings, and tail,
a rich green, except the quills, which are b la ck : the legs green. 5
Inhabits India,— Lady Itnpay•
i 9*
D escription. g I L L blueifh, very hooked : head and neck black, ftriped with
white: from the corners o f the mouth, juft beneath the
cheeks, a whitilh ftripe: back and wings dulky, marked with
round rufty fpots: breaft and belly yellowilh white, barred with
dulky : tail very long, cuneiform, crofied with narrow dulky
bars: legs alh-colour.
Plac e. Inhabits India. Called Bungummi.— L,ady Impey.
G X N U s
G e n us X V III. B A R B E T .
N* 18. Indian B.
Spotted-bellied Barbet, Gen. Syn. ii, p. 494. N° 1.
J N one fpecimen o f this fpecies I obferved a flight trace o f white
beneath the eye. The name it goes by among the French, at
Cayenne, is Agaubue de Terre.
Grand Barbet, Gen. Syn. ii. p, 505".
J ^ M O N G the drawings o f Lady Impey is a bird, which I fufpeft
to be the female of this fpecies. The length ten inches.
Bill reddifh brown, and flout, with fix or eight briftles at the
bale J the noftrils are alfo hairy: round the eye bare, and o f a red-
dilh colour: general colour o f the plumage a dull green : the
breaft and belly pale whitilh green: quills black : tail fhort,
green : legs o f a pale yellow.
Inhabits India, where it goes by the name otHoneft Face.
Yellow-cheeked Barbet, Gen. Syn. ii. p. 506. N" 15.
T H I S inhabits C¥ °n and Batavia: called, by the Cingalefe,
Kottorea. It perches on high trees, and cooes like a Turtle,
but louder; and it is from this noife that the natives have formed
the name it is known by *.
P l a c e .