-a&a G R E B E.
;I do not recollect, that, among any o f the drawings from India
o x China, which have come under my] infpeffion, I have met
with a Angle fpecies o f the Grebe genus j yet feveral have been
noticed as inhabitants of the warmer as well as colder parts o f
America. Indeed we remark a variety o f our L ittle Grebe, or
■ what is efteemed as fuch, from the Philippine JJlands, recorded
by Buffon-, and I have not a doubt but future obfervers will find
the Continent o f Afia likewife not to be deficient therein.
It was fuppofed alfo by former authors, that the Jacana genus
was confined to Brajil and its environs, hence the whole o f that
race known were called Brajilian Water-hens. But later obfer-
vations have pointed out to us no fewer than four o f that genus,
which inhabit Africa and Afia.— One proof, among the many
•Others, how much we have yet to learn in Ornithology,
' \
O r d e r IX. W E B - F O O T E D .
G e n u s L X X X . A V O. S E T .
. Scooping Avofet, .Gen* Sy%. v, p,> 293. N° 1 *, f »
Recurviroftra avocetta, Sejp Vog. pi, in p.69. SCjDOPIMGf’j
p f J E weight o f this bird is frequently fourteen ounces-and a*
half, Troy:, length twenty-two inches j, breadth thirtyinches:
length of the naked part o f the legs feven inches. The A ’uojef,’
appears on the coaft o f Kent about the middle o f April, and departs
for the moft part the beginning o f September*.
G e nus L X X X I I . F L A M I N . G O.,
Red Flamingo, Gen. Syn,> v, p. 299. N* 1.
T \ B . Sparrmanf met with large flocks o f Flamingoes between
Liable and Simon's Bay, near Alphen, in the month o f April,
feeking their food in pools and puddles that were beginning to
dry up. He informs us, that thefe were o f a fnow-white colour,
and.the wings o f a flaming rofy hue.
Beys. -f*' Vey. i, p, 30«
H ** WITH;