Place andMan-
fame colour as the body, except the outer feather, which is paler
on the outer w eb; the two middle feathers are a trifle Ihorter than-
the reft, making the tail appear fomewhat forked when fpread :
the wings reach rather more than one third thereon, when at
reft : legs deep brown.
Male and female much alike.
The bird was firft introduced to my notice by the Reverend'
Mr. Lightfoot-, who informed me, that it is found in May and
June near Bulftrode, in Buekinghamjhire j and that it builds in
Iramble and other low bullies. The neft is compofed o f dry
bents mixed with wool,, within lined with bents of a finer texture,,
and here and there a few white hairs of a horfe or cow, though not
fufficient to form a lining. The eggs are white*, marked with-
fmall dots of brown, and larger irregular blotches o f the fame towards
the larger end ■, alfo fome other blotches of a paler brown
mixed with the laft ; the fmall end quite plain.
I have much reafon to think that the above has not been de-
fcribed by authors as a Britijh fpecies; and I greatly fufpeft that
it differs very little from the Matacilla fylvia of Linnaus, if not the
fame bird. That Linnaeus's, bird is not our White-throat, I believe
is manifeft, both from fize and colours. That author ex-
prefsly fays, that the fize fcarcely exceeds that o f the Yellow Wren
and that it bears great affinity to the Sedge Bird J. But that the
bird in queftion is neither the Yellow Wren, nor Sedge Bird, I am
clear, as I have all the three now before me.
* There were only three in the neft which came under my infpedlion?.
j- Vix Motacilla trochila major.
J He fays of the Salicaria, or Sedge Bird— Avis valde affinis Sylvia, modo*
non. fexu tantum diftinfta. Faun, Suec,. N° 249, 250.
T ETSTGTH fix inches and a half. Bill the length of the head,
I fP colour black: forehead marked with white Arise : fpace over
the eyes, and the cheeks, whitilh : back brown, mixed with white:
wings pale brown; the edges of moft of the feathers fulvous on
the outer edges, forming a fpot of the fame on the wing : tail
Ihorter than the body, fomewhat cuneiform in fhape; the outer
margin of the feathers, half way from the bafe, pale fulvous; the
two outer ones on each fide marked with a white fpot within, at
the tips : the under parts of the body white : the breaft and vent
ftriped longitudinally with white : legs black..
Inhabits Van Diemen’s Land.— Defcribed from the papers o f
Mr, Anderfon.
O I Z E nearly that of a Sparrow. Bill dufky: general colour
teftaceous brown, paleft on the rump; under parts of the body
white : quills and tail brown ; the laft a trifle round, and eroded
with obfolete bars.
Inhabits Chrijtmas Ifle. Sings with a Ihort warble, which is not
unpleafing, fomewhat like that of thzBabblingWarbkr .-rrDAcnbod
from the fame papers as the laft.
" D I L L yellow, the bafe blue : crown and hind part of the neck
black; the feathers longiffi, fo as to form a creft at w ill:
fides o f the neck,- breaft, and belly, reddifh white : back and
wing coverts light g re y : primaries and tail black i legs yellow.
Inhabits India.
D e s c r i p t i o n ,
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D e s c r i p t i o n ,
D escription«
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