D escription.
P lace.
D escrip t ion.
This inhabits the ifland of Feejee, in the Pacific Ocean, from
whence it is brought into Fongo-taboo and Otaheite, for the fake of
the red and yellow feathers in the plumage. It is aldrnow and
then feen alive and tame in Fongo-taboo *. Its manners are foli-
tary -f. This bird, from the defcription, appears not unlike the
Blue-crefted Parrot J ; but as the above is greatly fuperior in fize,
and has an even tail, I rather fuppofe it to be a didinA fpeCies.
Le petit Perruche de Malacca, Son. Voy. Ind. ii. p.212.
g I Z E of the common Parrakeet. Bill violet grey : irides red :
- forehead blue : head, neck, and upper part o f the bread, grafs-
green :■ lower part of the bread and belly yellowifh green : rump
b lue: wing coverts pale green ; fecond quills deep green ; prime
quills blue on the outer webs as far as the middle ; the red o f a
deep green: under wing coverts crimfon: tail deep green, yel-
lowilh beneath: legs brown..
Inhabits Malacca.
g I Z E fmall. General colour of the plumage green: on the
forehead over the eye crimfon : at the back part o f the head a
credent of the fame : the throat, fore part o f the neck, and bread,
are alfo crimfon : tail plain green.
I defcribed this from the drawings o f Colonel Davies, but know
not from whence it came.
* At Qtaheite and the Friendly ifles, Parrots in general are called Kakaa ; and
the FarrakeetSy Hainga.~*-Cook, haß Voy. App.
f Mr, Ander fords MS. X fyn' !• P» 254.
G enus
G E N u s V I. T O U C A N .
1 6. Smooth-billed T .
Piperine Toucan, Gen. Syn. i. p. 334. N° 11.
A Variety o f the female o f this fpecies has lately come under
my infpeftion. The bill horn-colour, with a bar o f black
near the end, and two others near the edg e; the ridge is alfo
black : the head, neck, and under parts o f the body, of a fine
deep cinnamon-colour: on the ear a fpot of yellow, and between
the legs the fame colour : the back, wings, and tail, green; the
lad rounded, and tipped with brown': vent crimfon. The yellow
credent at the back of the neck wholly wanting.
I met with this bird in the colleftion of Sir Jofeph Banks, who
informed me that it came from Rio Janeiro.
Lev. Muf.
g I Z E o f the Green Foucan: length twelve inches. Bill an inch
and three quarters long, and one thick at the bafe j the upper
mandible yellowifh brown, the lower black; the edges not fer-
rated, but perfectly fmooth ; nodrils not covered with feathers :
eyes placed in a bare fkin : the head and neck are chefnut, the
top of the head darked: upper parts o f the body dark green j
rump crimfon : lower part of the neck, the bread, and belly, of a
pale greenilh yellow : thighs green j infide of the thighs dufky :
legs brown.
K 2
F emale.
P lace.
D 'T .
D escription..