floating manner. It is a lhy bird, and frequents ftagnant lakes,,
where it is not eafiiy come at.. It builds the nefl; upon floating
iflands, among weeds, pretty clofe to-the banks. Male and female
much, alike,— Mr. Middleton,
G e n u s LXXY. G A L L I N U L E i
Martinico Gallinule, Gin, Syn. V. p. 255. N3 7.
Fulica inariiniccnfis, Jaco. V77, p. 12. t. 3,
tA C Q U IN obferves, that it is plentiful ii
tintco, where the flelh is valued for food
1 the fwamps o f Mar-*
and that its voice is
fine and foft, though feldonr exerted.
t *59 3
O r d e r VIII. W i t h P i n n a t e d F e e t .
G e n u s LX X V II I . G O O T .
Common Coot, Gen, Syn. v. p. 275. N° 1#
Fulica atra, Sepp'Vbg. pi. in p. 61 .— Ha/felq. Voy. Eng. eg. p. zoo.
J H A V E feen this twice reprefented in drawings from India.
In one fet o f them it was figured o f a much fuperior fize,
which leaves room to think that the greater lpecies may likewile
inhabit that part o f the world.
Fulica leucoryx, Span. Mu/. Carl/, pi. 12.
T H IS variety has the eyelids pale, and the whole o f the wing
white j but the fliafts o f the prime quills black: in other
things, like the common fpecies.
This was found dead in the park at Stockholm.
Fulica A£thiops, Sparrm. Muf. Carl/, pi. 13.
< ^IZE o f the common one, and differs only in having the feathers
o f the bread: and belly ferruginous, undulated with
brown. Place not mentioned.
V ar. A.
V ar. B.
D escription»