G e n u s XC II. D U C K .
N ’ 99. Pink-headed D. N* 100. Barred-headed D.
Whittling Swan, Gen. Sjn. vi. p, 433. N° 1.
r p p j i s bird fometimes weighs twenty-five pounds*.
The trachea, or windpipe, enters the breaft-bone; the keellike
procefs of which, in molt other birds, is flat and fharp, but in
this fpecies is very large and hollow. It is into this cavity that
the windpipe enters, and, after making a turn, comes out again at
the orifice where it entered f .
In America they are. not uncommon, efpecially on the borders
o f the upper lakes, as they breed in the lagoons and marlhy inlets,
and migrate to the fouthern provinces with their young, in incredible
numbers, about the beginning o f Oftober £.
Black-backed Goafs, Gen, Sy'n. vi. p. 449* 13*
G. rp> o the defcription given before in the Synopjis, the following
■ *- may be added. The male differs from the female in having
the excrefcence at the bafe of the bill full as prominent and rounded
as in the King Duck ; it is likewife -flatted at top in the fame
manner; but in the female it is co'nfiderably fmaller : theg lofson
the plumage is alfo more inclining to the green and blue reflections
in the male. Both fexes have along and dangerous fpur on
* Mr. Boys. + Dr. Heyjham. X Colonel Davies.
D U C K . 273
the fhoulder o f the wing, which, as it is a ftrong bird, renders it a
formidable enemy. It is found north of the Ganges, but is not very-
common. It is known by the name o fNuckdah.—«Communicated
by Mr. Middleton.
Ruddy Goofe, Gen, Syn, vi. p. 456. N® 18.
g A ID to be common in Crim Tartary. The Baron de Tott, in
his Memoirs, obferves, that among the various fpecies of aquatic
birds which abound in the Crimea, the moft remarkable is a
kind o f Wild Goofe, with longer legs than ours, and a plumage of
a bright brick-colour. The Tartars pretend, that the flefh is exceedingly
dangerous: « I tailed it (fays he) and only found it
“ exceedingly good-for-nothing."
Grey-headed Duck, Gen. Syn. vi. p. 458. N° 19.
T N the fpecimen in the Leverian Mufeum may be perceived a
blunt knob a little below the bend o f the wing.
Tame Goofe, Gen, Syn,\i. p.461.
Anas Anfer, Brun, N° 55.
J A M informed by a friend*, that the Geeje> in their journey from
the diftant counties to London, will walk from eight to ten
miles a day on an average, travelling from three in the morning
till nine at night; and as it happens that fome o f the weaker ones
are much fatigued thereby, in fuch cafe they are fed with oats in-
ftead o f barley, the ufual food on the journey.
* Mr. y ones,
N n 1