P lJ .C S .
tfiers margined on the Tides with pale ferruginous, and fome o f
thofe o f the back at the tips alfo: chin nearly white : fore part o f
the neck very pale alh-colour, as far as the bread, which is of. a
dulky white: belly, ftdes, vent, and upper tail coverts on each
fide, and whole o f the under o-nes, white : leflfer wing coverts alh-
colour j. the greater, the fame, obfcurely margined with pale ferruginous
i greateft tipped with white j under wing coverts pure
white: prime quills dulky, the lhafts more or lefs white i feconda-
ries and fcapulars nearly the colour o f the back j the fecondaries
and primaries very little differing in length : the lower part of
the back, rump, and middle o f rhe tail coverts, alh-colour: tail
a little rounded at the end, brownilh alh-colour, fomewhat mottled
with brownilh near the tips, and fringed near the end with
pale ferruginous: legs dulky olive green,, bare an inch above the
knee: the outer and middle toe connected at the bafe. .
The above was Ihot at Greenwich, on the 5th of Augufi, r 785,
by Dr. Leith, who did me the favour- to add it to my collection. I
efteem it a new fpecies.
Brown Sandpiper, Sr. Zool. ii. N° 195.
C I Z E o f a Jackfnipe. Bill black: the head, upper part o f the
^ neck, and back, of a pale brown, fpotted with black: coverts
o f the wings dulky, edged with dirty white : under fide o f the
neck white, ftreaked with black : the belly white : tail cinereous
legs black.
In the .collection o f Mr. Lunjlall. Bought in the London
Black Sandpiper, Sr. Zoo/, ii. N° 197. 40.
. . .. . . . , n , 1, BLACK S.
O I Z E o f a Thrujh. Bill Ihort, blunt at the point, and dulky ; D e s c r i p t i o n .
noftrils black: irides yellow: the head fmall, and flatted at
top 5 the colour white, moft elegantly fpotted with g r e y : the
neck, Ihoulders, and back, mottled in the fame manner, but
darker, being tinged with brown 5 in lbme lights thefe parts appeared
o f a perfefl: black, and glolfy : the wings were lon g ; the
quill feathers black, crolfed near their bafe with a white line: the
throat, breaft, and belly, white, with faint brown and black fpots,
o f a longilh form, irregularly difperfed ; but on the belly become
larger, and more round : the tail Ihort, entirely white, except the
two middle feathers, which are bla ck: the legs long and (lender,
and o f a reddilh brown colour.
This was fhot in Lineolnjhire; and communicated to Mr. Pen- Peace.
itant by Mr. Bolton.
K k 2 G i n v s