U Xi C R 1 P T 10 N ,
D e s c r i p t i o n .
Q I .Z E of a Fowl: length twenty-two inches. Bill greenilh
white, and pretty much hooked in fliape: fides of the head
naked; carunculated, and red, much in the fame manner as in the
Pencilled Pheafant: the feathers at the back part of the head much
elongated,, forming a creft, which hangs down behind: the head,,
throat, and hind part of the neck, are black • the back, rump, and
wing.coverts, the fame, flightly edged with white:, prime quills
Bulky brown : tail rather large, even at the end, and black : the
fore part o f the neck, breaft, and belly,, covered with longilh Iharp-
pointed feathers, which are black in the middle, deeply edged on-
the fides with white ■, thighs bla ck: legs brown black; at the back
o f each a fpur o f a moderate length : claws curved and black.
Inhabits India, where it is called the Coloured Fowl.— From the
drawings o f Lady Imfey.
S r. M uf.
J E N G T H nineteen inches.- Bill exaftly formed as in the
Crefted Pheafant*, being flout,, lhort, and o f a yellow colour :
the head is likewife crefted, as in that bird; each feather which
compofes- it-is brown in the middle, and white on the fides: the
top of-the head is blackifli: back blueilh alh-colour, each feather
dalhed with a blackilh ftripe down the lh a ft: chin and fore
part o f the neck rufty. brown : fides of the neck whitilh, a little
mottled with dark brown : breaft and belly white, dalhed down
the lhafts with,black-: wings .blueilh alh, lhafts and tips blackilh :
baftard wing black : the eight firft quills are white on the inner
webs half way from the bafe j the two next white next the bafe j
the reft o f their length, and the whole of all the reft, lead-coloured
brown : the tail is nine inches and three quarters long, and
rounded at the end; the two middle feathers brown, with the
ends black 5 the others wholly black : legs black. -
This fpecimen is in good prefervation in the Britijh Mufeutn,
and was brought from Africa. v It had but ten feathers in the tail;
but, from the appearance o f it when fpread out, it feemed to have
originally confifted o f a greater number.
E e - G e n u s