S U P P L E M E N T .
B I R D S .
Div. I. L AN D-B IRDS .
O r d e r I. R A P A C I O U S .
G e n u s I. V U L T U R E .
N° 18*. Plaintive V . N “ 2 i. Pondicherry V.
19. Cheriway V . 22. Indian V .
20. Crowned V. 23. Gingi V.
. Condur V. Gen. Syn. vol, i. p. 4.
Laemmer-geyer, Dec. RuJ/l ii. pi. 8. in p. 387 ?
TH E Laemmer-geyer is mentioned by feveral authors as a
molt voracious and deftruftive bird, and that, among other
things, it preys on calves and Jheep, and is common about Ghilan,
in Perjia •, but they differ greatly in fize. Gmelin calls the length
only four feet, and the breadth five. Sprungli deferibed it as
weighing twelve pounds, and extending, from wing to wing,
* The fpecies in this Supplement, not before deferibed in the Sjnop/ts, will be
placed at the head of their relpedive genus, as in that wark,
Su p p e . B eight