it related to the Hafel Grout, though fomewhat fimilar : it it
therefore moft probably a diftinft fpecies.
I find a Grotts with feathered legs (the colour brown, variegated
with black) in the manufcript o f Mr. Anderfon, mentioned
as a native of Terra del Fuego; likewife another with naked legs,
o f the fame colours, met with in New Caledonia : but the fize o f
neither is mentioned.
G e n u s
G enus L IV . P A R T R I D G E .
N° 36. a. Chittygong P.
36. b. Aragonian P.
N* 36. c. Hudfonian Quail.
Pintado Partridge, Gea. Sya. iv. p. 761. N° 7. 7.
V ar. A.
T E N G T H eleven inches. Irides brown : the head, nape, and PINTADO P
half way down the back o f the neck, rufous; the feathers D e s c r i p t i o n
daihed down the fhafts with dulky : fides o f the head and chin
plain rufous : the lower part of the neck, all round the bread, and
all beneath, brownilh black; each feather marked with three
fpots of white on each w eb : lower part o f the back and rump
brown, eroded with numerous lines o f white over the thighs; and
the middle o f the belly the fame, but the lines broader: wing coverts
brownilh black, fpotted as the under parts; but the fpots
are rufous inftead of white : tail Ihort, dulky blackilh brown ; the
two middle feathers eroded with pale rufous lines near the bafe:
legs red.
I met with a fpecimen, anfwering to the above defeription, at Place.
Sir Jo/epb Banks's, who informed me, that he received it from
Bombay. It appears a variety or ftxual difference o f the Pintado
F f 4 Guernfey