this, of a yellow buff-colour: between the neck and back gilded
brown: all the under parts, from the bread, deep purple: back
and fcapulars reddifh brown : wing coverts white: quills brown;
the lecondaties edged with white; the ends o f fome o f the primaries
grow very narrow towards the tips, and end almoft in a point;
at the bend of the wing a Ihort, lharp, horn-coloured fpur: the
two middle tail feathers half the length of the bird, and fliaped
like thofe of the Gold Pheafant; one of them longer than the
other, ending in a po in t; the adjoining one lefs lharp at the end,
and marked near the tip with an oval fpot o f white* : legs green:
toes and claws very long, as ufual in this genus.
. Inhabits India, where it is called Vuppi-pi. From the drawings Pla«e.
of Lady Impey.— It is, no doubt, alfo known by another name, as
I obferved one of them, among fome drawings Ihown to me by
Major Roberts, which was called Sohna.
C l Z E o f the common Water Hen. Bill yellow; bafe of the upper
mandible dulky blue ; near the gape a red fp o t: head,
neck, and under parts, deep blueilh black : back and wings dirty
cinereous brown : quills the fame, but darker, and inclining to
v io le t: over the eye, and reaching fome way beyond it, a broad
white ftreak : legs dirty luteous brown : toes and claws long, and
lhaped as in others o f this genus.
Inhabits India. Called, at Bengal, Peepee and Move a ; at Hin-
d oft an, Coudey. It is called alfo Dullpee, from its living in a
* I apprehend that there ftiould be four long tail feathers, and that the two
middle ones are alik e , as well as their adjoining ones; efpecially as I do not
recollett any bird in which the tail feathers do not arife b y pairs.
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