-(-JACKDAW Jackdaw, Gen. Sy«, i. p. 378. N° 9.— Aril. Zool. il. p. 251. C.
Corvus monedula, Brun. N° $2.—.Muller, N° 89.— Georgi Reife, p, 165.
^ p 'H IS is common all over Ruffia and the weft o f Sibiria: is
migratory, remaining in winter only in the fouthern part of
Ruffia. A few feen beyond Lake Baikal. Is apt to vary,-like
many of the Crow fpecies.
Philippine Crow, Gen. Syn. i. p. 381. N° 12,
J N the collection o f Sir Jofeph Banks is a variety which has the
breaft, and the infide o f the ridge o f the wing, near the Ihoul-
der, clouded with white.
I alfo obferved a fecond variety among the drawings o f Lady
Impey, in which the belly is flate-coloured.
V ar.
D escr ip t ion.
New Guinea Crow, Gtn. Syn. i. p. 381. N° 13.
greatly fimilar to this fpecies has lately been defcribed to
me. Length thirteen inches i body ftout. Bill dufky, a few
briftles covering the bafe : irides reddilh : head and neck blueifti
alh-colour: the upper parts o f the body and wings the fame, but
darker: the eye placed in a large bed of black, lengthening into a
point at the back part: breaft, belly, and vent, pale ferruginous:
quills and tail dufky; the laft pretty long, and rounded at the
end : the legs red brown, very fcaly and rough.
Native place uncertain.
Bare-necked. Crow, Gen.Syn. i. p. 382. N° iy.
? E N G T H fifteen inches. Bill yellowifh ; tip black j noftrils
■ *-' broad, expofed, without any reflefted briftles: the outmoft
quills black; the reft of the prime quills black within, but without
obliquely grey to near the tip s: wing coverts and fecond
millle nale erpv • tail fix inches Ion?, even at the end : legs dufky
The above in the mufeum of the late Dr. Hunter. It does not
clearly belong to the Crow genus ; perhaps might with more propriety
be placed with the Grakles. As I had the opportunity o f
examining it before it was put into attitude, I obferved that the
hind toe was placed more inward than in many other birds, but nomembrane
between that and the inner toe j nor in my opinion had
nature ever intended it to be ufed forwards, as Buffon feems to
Jay, Ge«. Syn. ï. p. 384. N» 1 g.—Arli. Ziel. ii. p. 252. E..
Corvus glandarius, Brun. N° 33.-—Muller-, N° 90.— Georgi Reife, p. 165.-
Faun, Arag.— Sepp. Vogel..pi. in p. I.
r p H I S fpecies is common in the woods both of Ruffia and Sibiria,
but none beyond the Lena*-, Georgi mentions it as frequenting
the Lake Baikal, and Ruffel records -it as an Aleppo fpecies
f . I have a fufpicion alfo that it extends to China, as it is to-
be feen in the drawings of birds from that country.
i t is called by the name of Jay about Arragon, in Spain, as in
+- JAÏ,.
* Arfi.Zooll •J; Rift. Alep. p. 69..