Le grand Gobe-mouches de la d'6te de Malabar, Son. Voy. ImL H. p, 19$.
pl. m .
Drongo de Malabar, Buf. Oif. iv. p. 587«
Lev. Muf.
D e s c r i p t io n ^ C I Z E o f the Mijfel Thrufh: length feventcen inches and a
half. Bill one inch, hooked at the tip, pretty ftout, and
■ black ; at the bafe feveral bridles pointing forwards : irides red :
general colour of the plumage black 5 bi)t the head, neck, back,
and rump, have a gtofs o f blue: the feathers of the head and
neck are narrower than the reft, and fharp at the ends : the tail in
-general is of a moderate length, but the outmoft feather on each
fide is three times the length o f the others, and has, near fix
inches of its length, the lhaft naked, being webbed only for
about an inch and a half at the end, and that only on the outer
P l a c e .
fide : the legs are ftrong and black.
This inhabits the coaft o f Malabar, and other parts o f India.
P l. c v i i i .
It flies heavily, and is only feen o f evenings. Tha t in the Leve-
rian Mujeum anfwers the above defeription. But I find abifd very
fimilar, if not the fame, among the drawings o f Lady Impej.
This is nearly as large as a Jackdaw. The whole bird black,
glofled with blue : on the fore part o f the-head a vaft creft, riling
high and bending backwards; before it fome loofe feathers:
thofe of the hind part o f the neck are alfo long aiid loofe. The tail
P l a c e *
exactly correfponds with that o f the laffi defcribed.
This laft is called the Great-crejled Blackbird. The Indian
name Bumrauge. It is found in various parts o f India, efpe-
cially on the hills of the kingdom o f Aracan,
7 S I Z E