G e n u s L X V I I I . S N I P E .
N*33. Marbled Godwit. N° 34. Hudfonian Godwit.
Cape Snipe, Gen. Syn. v. p. 138. N° 9,
*1 *H IS Snipe is called, at the Cape, Keuvitt; as it fcreams out,
in the dufk o f the evening, in a kind of difagreeable found,
imitating the name it bears*.
V ar. E.
Description:. g I L L yellow, fwelling at the ends o f both mandibles j the colour
yellowifh green : crown dufky : eyes large and black r
round each a circle of yellow feathers, pointing in a line behind t
cheeks and throat white : back flaty blue, fpotted with Mack, and
bounded the whole length by a yellow line: fcapulars moll elegantly
marked with narrow black lines on a blueifh ground, and
the feathers edged with femicircular lines o f blueifh and black j
the refl of the wing tawny, with black femicircles, pointing the re-
verfe to the former: tail like the fcapulars, but marked with large
tawny fpots: breaft brown above, black beneath : belly, vent,
and thighs, white : legs pale alb.
P lace. Inhabits the Eaji Indies f..
• Dr.. Sparrman. •£ Lady Impey.
'J 'H E bill in different birds differs extremely, having been met GODWIT.
with from two inches and a half to four and a quarter in
length j and the weight from fix ounces and three quarters to
twelve ounces, and even more.
It is known at Hudson’s Bay by the name o f Wafawuckape-
Greenfhank, Gen. Syn. v. p. 147. N° 18. 18. 4- GREEN. T H E Greenjhank inhabits both India and China. In the former, SHANK,
is known by the name of Chaha.
Redfliank, Gen. Syn. v. p. 150. N° 20, 20.
J T is lingular to obferve the very great difference of this bird in
theJummer and winter drefs. In the latter feafon, I have ob-
ferved it fo lean, as to weigh only four ounces: the bird is then of
the ufual colours, though paler; but the white fpots, generally
feen on the upper parts of the body, in a manner obliterated: the
wing coverts very flightly fringed with white.
The Chineje Redjhank, a variety o f this, is frequent in India,
where it is known by the name of Teetaree.
y J E N G T H nineteen inches. Bill nearly four inches ; colour GODWIT.
a dull orange j towards the end b la ck: all the upper parts Description.
• Mr. Hutchins,