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G e n u s L X X X V I I I . T E R N .
N° 24. Philippine T ,
Sandwich Tern, Gen. Syn. vj. p. 356. N° 9.
+- SANDWICH a m ;nformed) thac this fpecies is equally common on the
fhores of Suffolk in the fummer, as on thofe of Kent; and that
it may be diftinguifhed from others both by its fuperior fize while
flying, as well as the difference in note *.
Mr. Boys has obferved to me, that it has a fhorter fcream than
- that o f the Common Tern, though more like it than the note o f any
other. It is found to aflociate with the Common Tern, for the mod
part, while the Black Tern is in diftinft flights, and all of the above
confiderably more numerous than the L ittle Tern. T h e Sandwich
Tern generally is feen in the neighbourhood o f Romney about the
17th o f April, and departs about the 5 th of September.
White Tern, Gen. Syn. vi. p. 363. N° i f .
WHTTE T . Sterna alba, Sparrm, Mu/. Carl/, pi. n .
r p H I S author, in whofe work I firft ohferve a figure o f th«
bird, remarks, that it inhabits the Eaft Indies, and the Cape
o f Good Hope, as well as various parts o f the South Seas.
• Rev. Dr.Wilgrefi,
Black Tern, Gen. Syn. vi. p. 366. N* 22.
Sterna nigra, Sepp Vog. pi. inp. 131.
r p H I S fpecies is obferved to appear on the coafts of Kent in a
few days after the other Terns; and, as they differ fomewhat
in their manners, do not afifociate. The Black Tern never depofits
the eggs on the fea beach, as the others do, but breeds and feeds
in the flows within land. I t is a lefs fhy bird, and the note much .
Ihriller than that o f the other Terns.
22. 4- BLACK T .
Le petit Fouquet des Philippines, Sen. Vey. p. taj. t. 85.
'" p H I S is double the fize o f the Common Tern. The bill bent D e s c r i p t i o n .
black, and pointed at the end : the upper part of the head
even with the eye is white : at the bafe o f the bill is a narrow
ftripe of black, which furrounds the eye, and finifhes in a point:
neck, bread, and belly, vinaceous g re y ; above, the fame, but
deeper: quills, tail,,and legs, black.
Inhabits the Philippine JJles-, often found at a great diftance
from land.
M m s G e n u s