brown, inclining to afh-colour; bafe of the quills not whites
rump white : tail as the quills, the tips of the feathers white for
a quarter o f an inch, but deeper on the inner webs j the outer
feather plain : legs brown.
I met with both the above in the colleftion of Sir Jofeph Banks,
who received them, about two years fince, from China, Mr.
Tunjlall informs me, that he had a male bird a confiderable time
alive in his menagery, and that it had all the a&ions o f the com-
G e n u s X X X I . T H R U S H .
-N * 123. Margined Thr.
124. Hudfonian Thr.
12J. New York Thr.
1.26. Gingi Thr.
N° 127. Perfian Thr.
128. Dauma Thr.
129. Orange-headed Thr.
130. Black and Scarlet Thr.
Throttle, Gen. Syn. iii, p* 18.— Arfit. Z00L ii, p. 342. C.
Turdus muficus, Faun. Arag. p. 85.
T urdus iliac us minor, Sepp Vog. pi. in p.23.
I N the north is fometiraes heard to fing in the month o f December*.
Little Thrulh, Gen. Syn. iii. p. 20. N° ; .— Aril. Zool. ii. N° 201.
'T 'H I S fpecies is found in Jamaicaf .
Redwing, Gen. Syn. iii. p. 22. N°7.— Ar£l. Zool. ii. p.342. D.
Turdus iliacus, Faun. Arag. p. 84.— Sepp Vog. pi. in p. 21.
C U C H numbers o f thefe birds, Throjlles, and Fieldfares, are
killed for the market in Polijh Prujfta, that ex'cife was paid at
Dantzick for thirty thoufand pairs, befides what were fmuggled, or
paid duty in other places J.
* Mr. TunJIall. f Aril. Zool. % IF,
T 2
4-LITTLE t h r .