*14 G R O S B E A K .
P l a c e .
Defcribed from fome fine drawings done in China, in pofleflion
o f Sir Jofeph Banks.
Brown-cheeked Groibeak, Gen. Syn. iii. p. 155. N° 77. wAS in the fame collection with the laft but one, for fome
time. It proved a very lively pretty bird, but was not ob-
ferved to change the colour of the plumage at any feafon.
Fafciated Groibeak, Gen. Syn. iii. p. 156. N° 80.
r j 'H E bird here mentioned was alive, in the pofleflion of
Mr. Tunftall, for a confiderable time; after which he prefen,t-
ed it to a friend. I never heard of a fecond fpecimen in any collection.
Dwarf Groibeak, Gen. Syn. iii. p. 158. N° 84.
Loxia minima, Jacq. Vog. p. 28. N° 13.
Lev. Muf.
f jp H I S is a common bird both in India and China. I have ob-
ferved the following differences :
One in the Leverian Mufeum, three inches and a half in length.
The general colour olive brown : the under parts cinereous white:
between the bill and eye yellowifh, as is the edge of the wing :
bill and legs black.
In a fecond, in Lady Impey’s drawings, the body and tail are
brown : rump, breaft, and belly, white : bill dufky: legs very
G R O S B E A K .
C I Z E final!. Bill blue: head ami neck fiaty alh-Colour:
^ back, wings, and tail, dufky j the laft tipped with white:
breaft and belly dirty white: legs blue.
Inhabits India-— Lady Impey.
fhort, and flout, as in the Bulfimh: head, neck, and back, red
brown ; beneath, from the breaft, white, undulated with dufky :
vent yellowifh : tail pale reddifh afh-colour: legs dufky.
I met with this among fome drawings from the E'aft, in the collection
o f Mrs. tVheeler •, but whether inhabiting India or China,
it was not certain.
Loxia Flamengo, Spar mm. Muf. Car If. pi; 17;
-n I L L reddifh, furrounded at the bafe with feathers tipped with
black : forehead and fpace round the eyes white: the reft of
the head above fine rofie-cclour .* fides o f the head and neck the
fame, but deeper : fore part of the neck, breaft, and belly, pale
rofe-colour: the third and fourth quills bl a c k t he tips of the
lower order of wing coverts dufky, forming a bar o f the fame on
the wing : on the rump a fpot of black : the upper furface o f the
tail pale foot-colour : the reft of the body* viz. back, thighs, under
part of the tail, and the reft of the wing, white: legs fangui-
This is faid to be of the fize and ftature of the Bulfimh, and the
probability of its being a variety of that bird is likewife hinted :
-X 2 but
D e s c r i p t io n .
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D e s c r i p t i o n «.
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D e s c r i p t io n *