158 BB U NN TT I1 ' NN GG..
ufually fadened to four reeds j but in Sepp’s plate it is in the fork
o f a tree near the ground.
Black- throated Bunting, Gen, Syn. iii. p. 197. N" 37. pi. 44.~~Arfl. Zool.
N° zz8. pi. 17.
P l a c e .
Bird was deferibed to me by Mr. Hutchins, very fimilar to
this, if not the fame. The length feven inches and a half j
breadth thirteen and a half j weight from ten drams to thirteen
and a halfi Troy. Bill black: forehead yellowifb, palling over
the eye in a d reak: between the bill and eye black, palling beneath
the eye, and ending in a patch below the e a r : above the
forehead a black crefcent, the horns turning backwards : crown
and upper parts o f the plumage brown : quills tipped with white :
tail coverts reddilh brown : the two middle tail feathers brown j
the three next on each fide black, edged with pale brown at the
t ip ; the next white on the outer web; and the outer one white,
both the outer web and t ip : the throat is yellow, with a triangular
mark of black in the middle : belly and vent blueilh white s
legs black.
This frequents Hudjon's Bay, where it is called Outatapafeu. Its
note at all times merely a chirp. It builds there, making the
ned on the ground ; and lays four or five white eggs, fpotted with
black. I ; appears at times in fmall flocks, often accompanying
the Geeje 3 and at other times feen with the Snow Buntings.
White-crowîied Bunting, G en. Syn. iii. p. zoo. N°44 ,~—ArB. Zool. ii. N° 221.
f J 'H I S bird is called at Hudfon’s Bay by the name o f Cujabata-
JhiJh. It has a melodious fong when perched, but in flight
it is filent*.
Black-crowned Bunting, Gen. Syn. iii. p. zoz. N° 49'—Are:. Zool. ii.
N“ Z30.
bird, viz. that the male was black on the upper part o f the
bread : that the female had alfo black on the bread;, but no fpot
o f yellow on the crown.
Cinereous Bunting, Var. Gen. Syn. iii. p. Z04. N°5.— ArB. Zool. N°Z33.
T H E bill in this bird is yellow : head, back, and wings, rud-
coloured, each feather deeply and elegantly edged with pale
grey : fome of the greater coverts edged with paler rud; primaries
and tertiais with white: throat, bread, and fides, white, fully
fpotted with rud : middle o f the belly white: middle feathers o f
the tail brown ; exterior white, each feather truncated obliquely.
Inhabits New York.
Painted Bunting, Gen. Syn. iii. p. zoê. N? 54.— ArB. Zool. ii. N° zz6.
I H A V E hitherto doubted that this bird had bred in England;
but Mr. Tunjlall allures me to the contrary. , Two pairs have
* Mr, Hutchins, f Y oL ii, p. 379.
44- Ï
I 49- .
V a r . A.
D e s c r i p t io n .
P l a c e ,