R E F A C E.
f p H E Author o f the following Iheets intends, by the pub-
lication of them, to fulfil his promifes to the public of
clofing therewith his G e n e r a l S y n o p s i s o f B i r d s .
In order to form this fupplemental Volume, every fpecies in
the former ones has been revifed; and to fuch of them as
wanted corredtion, or where any new remark feemed neceflary to
be added, it has been done : after which, thofe defcribed as new
follow, at the end o f each Genus; making in the whole work not
fewer than 3000 birds; a number never imagined, by former
writers in ornithology, to exift in nature.
It has been by fome thought, that fuch an undertaking as the
prefent might have been rendered more complete, if Ihort generic
and fpecific defcriptions had been added; but as fuch, ifjoined to
the work, could not, with propriety, have been placed any where
except at the head o f the defcriptions at large, it would not, in the
author’s opinion, have elucidated the fubjedt in the fame propor