G e n u s X V . G R A K L E .
12. Yellow-faced Gr.
+. MINOR GR. Miaor GrakIe; Gm' p. 455- N° 1.
J A M doubtful whether the Minor is a native of China, although
we fee it fo frequently in Chineje paintings, as I am informed,
by a perfon who has been at Canton, that he purchafed feveral at
Jama, where they are common, and fold them to the Chineje at the
rate o f five Ihillings each, for the purpofe of keeping them in
cages. In India it is called the Hill Moina.
6. Purple Grakle, Gen. Syn. ii. p.462. N° 6.
J N the Leverian Mujeum is a beautiful variety. The bill is
pale, with a dulky tip : the head white : back, Ihoulders, and
bread, white, mottled with black : quills and tail black j the lad
cuneiform : fome o f the outer feathers white juft at the tips.
7* Crefted Grakle, Gen. Sen', ii. p. 4.64. N°t.
J Believe this fpecies, as well as the Minor, is known by the name
o f Lefkoa, or Leuquoy; as I am informed by Mr. Lunftall that
he had one o f thefe alive, which, among, other words, often repeated
the word Leuquoy, and that the perfon he bought it o f
called it by that name. Mr. Marfden, after mentioning that the
9 i
Minor, called Leering, has the faculty o f imitating the human
fpeech in greater perfeftion than any o f the feathered tribe, ob-
ferves, that there are two forts o f them, the Hack and the yellow * :
it fhould therefore feem that more than one or two birds pafs under
the name o f Leuquoy.
In the neighbourhood o f the Ganges the Crefted Grakle is no
doubt plentiful j as, among fome drawings done in India, I find
it named the Sarroo of the Ganges -j-.
Dial Grakle, Gen. Syn, ii. p. 465. N® 8.
H E Dial, called Maori, is faid to have a pretty, but lhort
note J ; and that it is ufed by the Achenefe for the purpole o f
fighting, in the fame manner as the Cock ■, but attacks in a different
manner, frequently engaging one another on the wing, and drop
to the ground in the ftruggle j|.
J J I L L compreffed ; noftrils ovated: region o f the eyes fine yellow,
naked and wrinkled: head, neck, back, wings, and tail,
black: wing coverts crofted with a white line: neck black:
breaft, belly, and vent, white : legs yellow, and very icaly.
Inhabits New Holland.— Communicated by Mr. Pennant.
* Hift. Sumnt. p. (jo. 4 Sir Elijah Impey.
t Hijt. Sumat. The author obferves, that there is no bird on the iiland of
Sumatra which lings, || Id. p, 238.
D escrip t ion.