' 5-
SHR. _
D is c r e t io n .
Red-backed Shrike, Gen. Syn.i. p. 167. N° 15.— Art!. Zoo!. N‘ 131.
Lanias Collurio, firm. N° 23, 24.— Faun. Arag. p, 71.—Seff. Vog. pi, in
rT , H I S is found in the temperate and open parts of Ruffin, but
not in Sitiria * j and is pretty common in France and Italy,:
as well as many other parts o f the continent, migrating according
to the feafon : with us comes in firing and departs in autumn.
Xsuzonian Shrike, Gen, Syn. i. p. 172. N* 21.
r E N G T H eight inches. Bill black: through the eyes a
t>lack ftreak: crown o f the head, and upper part o f the neck,
and body, alh-colour, verging to tawny QO the back : breaft and
belly white: wings black, crbffed with tawny: on the prime
quills a white fp o t: tail black, tipped with chefaut: legs
Inhabits India. It feems much allied both to my chefnut-
backed Shrike, N" 3, and the Luzonian above mentioned; but
from the fize it moft approaches the latter j infomuch as to apologize
for my placing it as a variety o f that fpeeies,— Defcribedl
from the drawings of Lady Im-pey.
S H R I K E . S3
Jocofe Shrike, Gen. Syn. i. p. 175* ^° 2^*
Le petit Merle buppede la Chine, B u f. O if. iii. p. 318.
Le petit Merle huppe des Indes, Son. Voy. In i. ii. p. 189. pi. inp. 109.
A M O N G fom e drawings in poffdfion o f the late Dr. Fother-
" gm3 one o f thefe birds was figured with the throat black, and
the breaft,and belly o f a pale brown.
Tha t of Sonnerat difiers in being rather fmaller, the creft much
elongated and pointed at the top, and the black ftreak at the
corner of the mouth not diftinguilhed.
This bird frequents the coafts o f Malalar, Bengal, and Coromandel.
A t the laft place it is called BoulbouL
- Grey ShriEe, Gen. Syn. i. p. 183. N° 36-
Leffer Grey Shrike, ArCt. Zool. i l p. 240.-A.
S fpeeies inhabits Ruffita and Sibiria, in theforefts, the whole
,,,nter: is taken and tamed by the fowlers for the fake of
the diverfion it affords, by flicking the birds which are given to it
for food on a pointed wire, or flick, placed for the purpofe, in the
manner related under the article o f our great cinereous Shrike.
It has been before mentioned as inhabiting the warmer parts o f
America; and we have obferved a variety which came from
Cayenne.. This was only feven inches in length : the under parts,
from the breaft, yellowifh white : the tail feathers not tipped with
white, only the outer edge o f the firft marked with grey.