G eks s XL. W A G T A I L .
White Wagtail, Gen. Syn. iv. p, 395. N° Zool. ii. p. 396. E.
WHITE W. Motacilla alba, Sepp Vog. pi. in p. 119-—Faux. Am*- p. 88.
'T 'H I S is found as high as Iceland, the Feme ides, and Dron-
theim-, is alfo common in Raffia, Sibiria, and Kamtjchatha,
but does not extend to the more northern regions.
This bird, as well as the following fpecies, alfo inhabits India;
adrawing o f both birds being in the colle&ion of Lady Impey, done
on the fpot.
Grey Wagtail, Gen.Syn. iv, p. 398. N° 4.
Motacilla boarula, Faun. Arag. p. 89.
f p H I S fpecies, I havereafon to think, is not feen in thzfouth of
England in the fummer feafon •, nor have I been able to af-
certain its breeding-place nearer than Cumberland, which Dr. Hey-
Jham allures me it does every year, making its firft appearance
there about April. He has never met with the neft, but has Ihot
the young ones in June more than once, and thinks that it departs
fouthward in OSlober, about the time it appears with us in
Kent-, for I do not recoiled ever feeing it before the 8th or
9th of that month.— Mr. Jackfon informs me, that it breeds in
Yellow Wagtail, Gen. Syn. iv. p.400. N« 6— jtrtl. Zool. ii. p- 396. F.
Motacilla Hava,.Sepp Vog. pi. in p. 10}.— Fam. Arag. p.88.
T N Sepp’s plate the eggs are white, mottled with red brown
(pots. Is faid to inhabit Sweden, but not higher. Common
in all paws of Rujia, Sibiria, and even Kamchatka.
A a 2 G i s t s