V a r .
Wheat-ear, Gen. Syn. iv. p.465. N° 75— Zo°l- “ • P' 420» Pt
Motacilla oenanthe, Sepp Veg, pi. in p. 163.
r - p jJ I S is met with at the Cape of Good Hope*. The birds
A which we fee in our quarters are probably on their paffage to
the parts where they breed. Are firft met with on our downs and
commons in fmall numbers, about the middle o f April-, and after
ftaying a fortnight or more, depart elfewhere, and are not feen
again till their return in Auguft. I cannot fay that I have obferved
them in the fame places on their return more than once or twice in
my life, though I have remarked them every year at their coming}
but Mr. Boys informs me, that he has. feen them in plenty about
Sandwich, on the xoth of Auguft. I have been told, that when
they breed in the rabbit harrows, a circumftance not unfrequent,
the neft is placed fo far therein, as fcarcely to be within the reach
o f a man’s arm t-
Ceylon Warbler, Gen. Syn. Iv. p. 474» N»8’7.
Green Indian Warbler, Gen.. Syn.. iv. p. 474. N° 90.
I AM informed that thefe two birds differ only in fex.
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Gen. Syn. Iv. p. 48... N* .0 4 ,- ir f l . Zoel. II.
N° 286.
A B IR D fimilar to this, if not the fame, is feen in fummer at
A Hud/on’s Bay . Length five inches s breadth fix inches and a
• Mr. Pennant. + Mr. Green.
lltUl J.
lialfi weight five drams. Irides blue; orbits white: lore and
ears black : on each fide of the head a ftreak o f white : throat
and belly light yellow : bread and thighs ftreaked longitudinally
black and yellow: vent white: back black, ftreaked with dull
green: fcapulars green and dove-colour: leffer wing coverts
o-rey; greater white, longitudinally ftreaked with black: quills
black, edged with grey -. tail coverts yellow, tipped with black
neared the tail: tail feathers black, edged with white; all the
feathers, except the two middle ones, marked with a large fpot of
white on the inner web : legs black'.
This comes into Hudfon's Bay in fummer; builds inthew il- Pi.aceavd M,*-
lows a neft compofed o f gfefs and feathers ; lays four e g g s ; the
young hatched in July ; feeds on flies; cries againft rain, or at
lead has a Ihrill fong, which it lengthens out confiderably againft
rain; from which circumftance the natives give it the name o
Kimmewan apaykutejhijh *.
Yellow-poll Warbler, Gen. Syn. iv. p. 515. N° 148- YELLOW-POLL
TV/TR. Pennant fuppofes the two birds, defcribed under this title,
t0 be diftinft fpecies; and mentions the fecond under the
title of Olive Warbler f . Mr. Hutchins informs me, that the Yellow
Poll comes into Hudfon’s Bay in June, and that the irides are
blue. It is feen chiefly among the willows in woods, and is perpetually
flying from tree to tree, and makes a fofr noife. The
neft feems well put together, and compofed of mofs, grafs, hair,
and feathers, interwoven : fometimes placed at a fmall height up
# Mr, Hutchins, f Ar£i, Zoo!. N° 307. a tree,