G e n u s X X V I I I. C
N° 50. Snuff-coloured Cr.
5;i. A(h-bellied Cr.
52. Indigo Cr.
53. Blue-rumped Cr.
54. Yellow-bellied Cr.
55. Red-backed Cr.
56. Orange-backed Cr.
R E E P E R.
N ” 57. Tufted Cr.
58. Red-billed Cr.
59. Yellow-winged Cr.
60. Long-billed Cr.
61. Barred-tail Cr.
62. Black-tailed Cr.
1. Common Creeper. Gen. Syn. ii. p. 698. N° 1.— Ar:l. Zool. ii. N° 174.
COMMON Certhia familiaris, Brun. p. 12.—Muller, N° 104,— S eff Fog. pi. in p. 59.
^ J 'H IS is found, but very rarely, in theforefts o f Ruffia and Si-
Inna: is a conftant inhabitant o f Sweden, and extends as far
north as Sondmor. A variety o f this is found in North America,
which is confiderably larger. This country alfo contains the common
3. Great Hook-billed Creeper, Gen. Syn. ii. p. 703. N° 3.
CR. r p H I S fpecies is common at Owbjhee, and called by the natives
1 Hooboo*.
, Hook-billed Green Creeper, Gen. Syn. ii. p. 703. N° 4.
GREEN CR. ' J ’ H I S is mod probably the bird that is called at Owhyhee,
Akaiearooa f .
* Cook's haft Voyage, iii. p. 119. +f ' IIdd.. iiti..
Pclytmus * , Born. Phryf. p. 76. pi. 2.
/"VU R people firft met with thefe birds at the ifland o f A tool,
though they are common in all the Sandwich IJlands, where
they are faid to be gregarious, though not met with alive by any
of our people. Thofe with a variegated plumage are young
birds. The general name for them is Eee-eve, though they called
them at Atooi, Heoro-taire f .
African Creeper, Gen. Syn. ii. p. 717. N° 18^
Br. Mu/.
T E N G T H five inches and a half. Bill an inch and a quarter,
moderately bent, and black: head, throat, and bread, green,
gloffed with copper bronze, appearing in feme lights purple:
Idler wing coverts and back fine gilded green : tail coverts the
fame, very long, reaching almoft to the end o f the ta il: acrofs the
bread a narrow band o f vermilion, not gloffy : belly and vent
dulky b la ck : the greater wing coverts and quills are brown,
with green : legs black.
Inhabits Africa. I fufpeft this to be a mere variety o f the
African Creeper.
* Oar African Creeper, vol. ii. p. 717. A. is figured in the fame plate, and
likewife called Polytmus.
f See Cook's LaftFoyage, ii. p. 207, 227.— iii. p. 119. and App»
V a r . Ç -
D e s c r i p t io n ,