36. c. Lev. Mu/.
QUAIL. *J pH IS is the fmalleft o f its race, meafuring in length only five
Description;. inches. The bill dulky brown : general colour o f the plumage
a pale brownilh cream-colour, marked at the back part of
the neck and over the thighs with irregular fpots o f white: the
■ wings, back, and tail, crofted fparingly with lines o f white,
bounded on their lower part with black : the under parts o f the
body are paler than the upper, and unfpotted: legs dulky
Pi,Aei. I received a fpecimen o f this from Hudfon's Bay; from which
place, I am informed, that in the Leverian Mufeum alfo came.
G e n u s L V . T R U M P E T E R .
2. Undulated Tr.
Pfophia undulata, Jacj. Vug. p. 24. N* 18, t. 9.
g I Z E o f a Goofe. The bill dulky blue: general colour o f the
plumage on the head, and the upper parts o f the body, fome-
what like that o f the Bujlard, being o f a pale reddilh brown, beautifully
undulated with black : the feathers at the back part o f the
head long, forming a dependent creft: beneath the ears begins a
lift o f black, which paftes down on each fide o f the neck, widening
as it defcends, and meeting on the lower part before, where
the feathers become greatly elongated, and hang loofely, fome-
what fimilar to the breaft feathers o f the Demoifelle; excepting
this, all the under parts are white: the legs in colour not unlike
that o f the bill.
This fpecies inhabits Africa. The fpecimen from which the
above account was drawn up was brought from Tripoli.
G g
D escription.
S uppl. G e n u s