T H R U S H .
Pi,. inFrontifpiece.
Kamtfchatka THrufh, Gen. Syn. ill. p. 28,—Arft, Zool. ii. p. 343. E.
n p H I S is, without doubt, the fame bird with my Ruby-throat
Warbler, vol. iv. p. 463.
Pagoda Thrufh, Gen. Syn, iii. p. 30. N* 20.
T H A V E met with feveral o f thefe in drawings from India and
1 China, but they feem to differ both in fize and markings ; moft
o f them have a long black creft, and the fpace round the eye bare :
the colour of the back and wing coverts blue grey: the whole
o f the neck, breaft, and belly, o f a brownifh rufous-colour 5 the
neck feathers flreaked down the middle with white : the quills
and tail bla ck; the outer feathers of the laft tipped with white.
In fome fpecimens the neck and breaft are plain rufous: the
back, wings, and tail, light grey : quills black.— In my former
defcription, the bird is faid to be fcarcely bigger than a Sparrow ;
but the above birds are nearly as large as a Starling. They are
chiefly kept in cages, on account o f their fong, and ate known by
the name of Powee.
Malabar Thrufli, Gen. Syn, iii* p. 30.
'J 'H I S feems rather fmaller than the laft, and is greatly fimilar
in the markings: the length feven inches. It chiefly differs
in the head being of the fame colour as the body, and not furnifhed
with a creft. It is alfo called Powee, and kept in cages as the
laft. I have my doubts, whether it is a diftin£t fpecies.
5 Reed
t h r u s h . 141
Refed Thrufli, Gen. Syn. iii. p. 32. N‘ 28.
Junco, Sepp Vbg: pi. in p.
r ip u E neft, as figured by Sepp, is corr.pofed o f the tops of reeds,
1 mixed with very fine fibres. The eggs are five in number, of
a yellowifh white, fpotted with brown, and rather bigger than
thofe o f a Sparrow.
Chinefe Thrufli, Gen. Syn. iii. p. 35- N* 32* CHINESE THR.
r p H IS , as well as the Crying Phrujh, inhabits India. Called at
■ Bengal the Five Brothers, being for the moft part feen in
fmall flocks of five together.
Blackbird, Gen. Syn. iii. p. 43. N» 46,— JrH. Zml. 11. p. 345- Pi
Turdus merula, Faun. Arag. p. 85.— Sepp Vog. pi. in p. 17.
'O M E T IM E S heard finging before Chriftmas,
Ring Ouzel, Gen. Syn. iii. p. 46. N° 49*
Turdus torquatus, Faun, Arag. p. 85.
-Arft. Zool. ii* p. 46* 49*
r j i j q i s bird is met with in Europe, as high as Lapmark, but does
1 not inhabit either Ruffia or Sibiria. It is perhaps more common
with us than is fuppofed, being frequently miftaken for the
Blackbird. Isfeldom metwith, except in fpring and autumn, when
thefe birds are on their journey backwards and forwards to other
places; at which times they- may be feen in fmall flocks of five or