2 1 .
Jean le blanc, Gen, Syn. i. p. 39, N® 17,
' I 'H I S fpecies is pretty frequent in the fouthern parts o f Ruf/ta,
efpecially about the rivers Daw and Volga, though not met
with in Sibiria : is ufed in falconry by the Calmucs *.
New Holland White E. Gen. Syn. i. p. 40. N° 18.
A Specimen o f this is in the collection o f Sir Joseph Banks..
The whole plumage is white, the quills not excepted ■, in
which it differs from the Louijiane, p. 36. The quills reach only
to the beginning o f the tail.
Pondicherry E. Gen. Syn. i. p. 41. N°~2i.
Aigle Malabarre, EJf. Phil. p. 55.
'J 'H I S is frequent both on the Coromandel and Malabar coaft,,
and is fo common on the latter, that it is by fome called the
Malabar Eagle: it refembles, in many circumftanCes, the manner
o f the K ite; is a very bold bird, though not of fo docile a race as
to be ufed in falconry : it is called at Indoftan, T ch il; and in the
Tamoul language, known by the name o f Kueronden; by the
French called Oifeau-brame, and by the Englijh, Bramary K ite; being
held facred by all, in compliance with the refpedt paid it by
the Bramins o f India.
* Deetmnu Ruf. iii, p. 303,
White-crowned E. Gen, Syn, i, p, 3.2. N®23. WHITECROWNED
T jpH IS fpecies is the fmalleft o f the Eagles, being not much
larger than the Jean-le-bldnc: is only met with on the rivers
towards the Cafpian fea, breeding along with the Sea-Eagles on the
higheft trees *.
Ofprey, Gen. Syn. i. p. 45. N° 26.— Aril. Zool. N° 9r-. 26.
Falco halisetus, Mull. Pred, N°66.— Georgi Rei/e, p. 164.— Kolb. Cap. ii.. +’ OSPREY.
'j^ 'H I S bird and its varieties are far fpread, being met with in
various parts o f the old continent : frequent in Kamtjckatka,
and parts ftill more northward, in the fummer; migrating, as the
winter approaches, towards the Jouth-\ : in all fituations, is the
procurer of food for the White-tailed and other Eagles. I f Kolben’s
bird be really our Ofprey, he obferves that it is, of all birds, the
moll deftruftive to the Flying-fijh, taking them up during their rife
from the water
* Mr. Pennant.
4 Found about Baikal: common at AJirachan, Dec. RuJ/l voK ii. p. 142-,
J Kolben aflerts for fa£, that one foot is made like that of a Goofe j but his
having been impofed on, cannot alter the fail of its being otherwife. See Syn.
vol. up.45.