27. 4- BELTED K.
35- a *
D e s c r i p t io n .
back, and wing coverts, fine b lu e : quills and tail rufous brown :
belly white: legs red.
Native place uncertain.
Belted Kingslifher, Gen. Syn. ii. p. 637. N° z j.— Jrcl. Zool. ii. N° 169.
v j 'H I S fpecies inhabits Hudfon’s Bay, and makes the ned in the
banks o f rivers, the hole running a long way horizontally inwards
: lays four white eggs j and the young are hatched the end
o f June. It has the fame manners, in refpedt to catching its prey,
as the European fpecies, being often feen fluttering above the fur-
face o f the water; when, darting down on a fudden, it feldom fails
to bring up a fijh in its bill. The Indian name is Ktjkeman, or
Kijkemanafue *.
Captain Cook met with this fpecies at Nootka Sound f .
C I Z E o f the Belted Kingsjijher, if not bigger: length thirteen
° inches. Bill three inches long, ftrait, and black j the under
mandible yellow at the bafe: upper parts o f the body fhining
green : chin, throat, and belly, white, palling backwards in a
ring to the nape : fides of the body and over the thighs mottled
with green : the bread is alfo clouded with the fame : quills fpot-
ted yvith white : the two middle tail feathers are green; the others
the lame, but darker, and fpotted on each fide o f the web with
white : legs black.
Inhabits Cayenne.
?' Mr. Hutchins. t £<■ / Foy. & P- *96’
G e n u s X X IV . N U T H A T C H .
N° 8. Black-headed N . N" 10. CapeN.
9. Lead N . i t . Long-billed N .
European Nuthatch, Gen. Syn. ii. p. 648. N° i.- d r S . Zool. ii. p. a8i J
Sitta Europea, Brun. N° 42.—Muller, p. 165.
r p H I S bird is pretty common in England, but rather fearce in
France* ; though it extends pretty far north on the continent,
being met with in the foreds o f Ruffta, Sthrta, and Karntf-
chatka, as well as in Sweden, and Sondmor in Norway. It alfo inhabits
India f .
I have been informed, that it has at times a kind of whittle,
fomewhat imitating that of a man, which may be heard at fome
didance J.
Nuthatch, Var. B. Gen. Syn. ii. p.650.
Black-headed Nuthatch, J rii. Zool. ii. N" 171.
T Believe this bird to be a didinft fpecies, and not a variety of
the Common Nuthatch, as I once thought.
Mr. Hutchins informs me, that one with a black head (probably
this fpecies), is not uncommon at Hudfon’s Bay in dimmer, retiring
fouthward in winter, and is there called Nemifcu-Apethayjhtfi.
The fird word dignifies thunder-, and the bird fo named, as it is
fuppofed to bemofl noify before the approach o f it.
* Dr. Brouffonet. t Lady Imfey’ s drawings. t Rev. Dr. Wilgrefs.