brown, appearing as a broad band down the wing : tail fhorr,
cuneiform : legs o f a pale red.
I met with this at the late Mr. Boddam’s, and it was faid to have P l a c e .
been brought from the South Seas.
* * W I T H T A I L S E V E N A T T H E E N D .
■ ' J 'H E Great Variety of the Cockatoo with a yellow crefi, wasfeen
in vaft flocks in New South Wales, making an horrible noife.
The Cockatoo is found in Sumatra, and called there Kaykay.
The name o f the LeJJer White Cockatoo, in China, is Ting-Mew.
g I Z E of the Red and Blue Maccaw: length twenty-two inches. COCKATOO.
Bill very large, of a horn-colour, with a black tip: general ifii CIX.
colour o f the plumage black: the feathers of the head pretty long, D e s c r i p t i o n .
but in a quiefcent ftate lie flat on the head j on each, juft at the
tip, is a fpot o f pale buff-colour : the wing coverts are alfo marked
in the fame manner near the tip s: the feathers o f the upper
part o f the breaft and vent are margined with buff; the lower
part of the breaft and the belly barred with darker and lighter
buff-colour: the tail is pretty long, and a little rounded at the
end j the two middle feathers are black j the others the fame at
the bafe and ends; the middle o f them, for about one third, o f a
fine deep crimfon, inclining to orange, croffed with five or fix bars
o f black, about one third of an inch in breadth, and fomewhat irregular,
efpeeially the outer ones, in which the bars are broken
and mottled : legs black.