f l
Plac e.
D escrip t ion.
P lace.
H O R N B I L L .
o f the bill black j towards the point white : the head, neck, back,
and wings, are dirty grey : from the gape of the bill a broad band
o f black pafies beneath the eye and a little beyond i t : the breaft
and belly are white j the quills black : the tail eleven inches long,
and cuneiform in lhape ; the two middle feathers are dirty rufous
grey, with a band of black at the end j the others black for three
quarters o f their length, then brown, and finally terminated with
white : the legs are black; the outer toe united to the middle as
far as the third joint, and to the inner as far as the firft.
Inhabits the coaft of Coromandel.
C I Z E lefs than the Jay. Bill convex, carinated, very gibbous
at the bafe, and covered with a naked Ikin; noftrils fmall,
pervious, placed one third from the bafe, about which .are feveral
lhort briftles : region of the eyes naked, wrinkled, cinereous.! colour
of the plumage in general dulky on the upper parts: fhafcsof
the wings and tail dulky above, white beneath : toes divided to
their origin.
Inhabits New Holland. The ends of the quills and tail had
been clipped by a pair of fciffars, therefore it could not be afcer-
tained whetherthofe parts differed from the reft o f the plumage.—
Mr. Pennant.
1■ 1 II1M1 IIIt j I
■ 5-
GREY H. . .
■p. 1 TJ I L L yellow ; at the bafe a fpot o f black, round which, and at
D escrip t ion, n J r / .
the corner o f the eyes, are tufts o f hairs : behind the eye a
naked blue lk in : on the upper part of the bill is a procefs which
io Hopes.
H O R N B I L L . 73
’Hopes on the fore part, is abrupt behind, and only reaches the
forehead: the crown of the head is black s the reft o f the head,
neck, breaft, and back, grey: the wings part grey, part black;
the ends of the quills white : tail long ; the middle feathers
b la ck; the lower part o f the fide ones the fame, the reft o f the
length white.
~p>ILL pale yellow; on the top a prominence, which is abrupt
at each end ; the further half part yellow, part bla ck; bafe
o f the lower mandible black; ne^r that a naked fpot of a blueifh.
white: beneath the eye a tuft o f black hairs: plumage o f the
head, neck, back, wings, and tail, b la ck; wings glofied with
green : the outmoft feathers o f the tail, and upper part of the
quills, and belly, white: legs blueiih.
The native place o f this and the laft not certain.— Mr. Pennant.
From the infpe&ion o f feveral individuals o f the Hornbill genus,
as well as the drawings o f others, I have much reafon to fup-
pofe, that they not only vary among one another in the adult
ftate, but more particularly fo at various periods o f a g e ; from
which we may conclude, that feveral o f the above-mentioned are
of the fame fpecies, though defcribed as diftindl; a circumftance
only to be determined hereafter, by fuch obfervant naturalifts as
may chance to refide where thefe birds frequent.
D escription,