G g n *r s LX X I I I . R A I L .
Troglodyte Rail, Gen. Syn. v. p.229. N° 3.
Rallus auftraiis, Sparrm. Mu/. Carlf.yA. 14.. TROGLODYTE
rJ , H E figure in the above work anfwers to my defcription of it,
except that it wants the white ftreak over the eye.
Philippine Rail, Gen. Syn. v* p. Z30. Na4. 4.
V a r . D,
C I Z E o f our common Water R ail. Bill red, with a white tip : PHIUPPINE
the crown of the head, and hind part of the neck, as far as the „
' . ' 1 Description,.
beginning of the back, o f a reddilh rufous colour j the back darker,
fpotted acrofs with white : wings nearly the fame; tire quills not
fpotted • the under parts, from the chin to the beginning o f the
belly, palp alh-colour; from thence to the vent white: legs of a
pale green.
Another fpecimen had a purplilh b ill: wings dark brown; each
feather crofied with lines of white and bla ck: lower belly, thighs,
and vent, crofied with black : legs brown.
Both the above were met with in drawings from India, where it
is known by the name of Chaha. It feems to be a fpecies which
varies exceedingly.