It has alfo been noticed on the other fide o f the equator, a drawing
o f one having been received from the ifland o f Ceylon, in the
Eajl Indies *.
g M A L L E R than the Little Woodpecker. Bill blueifh: forehead
and whole o f the cheeks white : on the beginning o f the
crown a rich crimfon fpot; the hind part black and flightly
erefted: from the lower mandible begins a black line, which entirely
furrounds the lower part o f the cheeks, and joins the hind
part o f the neck, which is alfo black : back and fcapulars brack,
marked with lunated white fpots : wing coverts ftriped downwards,
andfpotted with white on a black ground : primaries and
tail barred regularly with black and white : under part o f the
body white.
Collefted by Mr. Loten : communicated by Mr. Pennant.
HAIRY W. Hairy Woodpecker, Gen. Syn. H, p.572. N° 18__Ara. Zml. ii. N* 164.
T p H I S fpecies has lately been found in the north o f England,
where it does not appear to be very uncommon. I had the
fatisfaftion o f feeing a pair in the colledion o f the late Dutchefs
Dowager of Portland. Her Grace informed me, that they were
fent to her by Mr. Bolton, who fhot them not far diftant from Halifax,
™ Torkfiire. On comparing the male with one from North
America, I obferved a flight interruption on the middle of the red
band on the hind head j in other points, they were exa&ly fimilar..
* Ara. Zml.,
W O O D P E C K E R .
The female coincided with the American one in every particular.
I am informed that it is not uncommon at Hudfon’s Bay, where
tt is called Paupajlaow
Little Woodpecker, Gen. Syn. ii. p. 57.3. N° 19..
Downy Woodpecker, Arit. Zml. ii. N° 165.
' J 'H E female o f this fpecies has the hind head crofied with
^white, which in the male is red,.
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker, Gen-. Syn. ii. p. 574.. N6 20>— Arft..ZooI.\u.
N° 166.
Picus varius, Georgi Reife, p. 165..
W H E T H E R this inhabits any part o f the Europeancontinent
1' cannot determine; but it is ranked by Georgi among
the birds frequenting the Lake Baikal, in AJia.
The name given to it by the natives.of Hudfon's Bay is Meki-
fewe Paupaftaovo f ,.
Little Brown Woodpecker, Gin. Syn. ii. p. 577V.N0 24..
T H A V E fcarce a doubt but this fpecies inhabits India, as I
found a drawing o f one in the collection of Mr. Middle(ony
which did not materially differ. The length was five inches.
The bill pale: the head white, except the crown, and a large
• Mr..Hutchins., f , Ibid..