D e s c r i p t io n '..
3*1. ACE..
vent, white: tail pale brown, crofled with narrow indiftinfl white
This fpecies inhabits India, and is called Behree *.
F^lco fufcus, Faun. Groen. N°"34. b’.
Grey Falcon, Crantz, i. 78.— Egede, 64...
Dufky F. Aril* Zoo!, ii. p. 220. E..
J ^ E S S than the Collared Falcon. Cere and' legs lead-colour :
irides dufky: crown brown, fpotted with, white : nape and
throat white: breaft and belly yellowifh white, ftreaked downr
wards with dufky : back dufky, tinged with blue-; the ends o f
the feathers lighteft, and fprinkled over with a few white fpots,
efpecially towards the rump .: tail dufky, crofled very faintly with
paler bars j the under fide whitilli: the tail of'the young,
with great brown fpots on the exterior webs.
This fpecies inhabitsGreenland throughout, and is feen on the
Ice IJlands remote from Chore. In the breeding feafon retires inland
: lays from, three to five fpotted eggs :- preys on various
birds, darting on them like an arrow out o f a bow; and gives battle
to the Raven, but feldom proves viftorious, as thelaft; by its
fcreams,.brings together others to its aid, which in concert drive
off the enemy. The flelh is fometimes, though rarely, eaten.
The fkins ufed for garments. It alfo inhabits Iceland:.
Fairicius thinks this bird to be a variety or young o f the Collared
Falcon^.— In the ArSlic Zoology it is confidered as a diftindt.
*■ -Mri Middleton. f VoJ. i. p., .
L E N G T H -
T E N G T H thirteen inches and a half. Plumage on the upper
■L"' parts lead-colour: round the eye fomewhat bare: wings and
tail darkeft; the laft fix-inchesin length, and nearly black, crofled
near the bafe and the middle with two narrow lines of white, but,
except the two middle ones, only on the inner webs s beneath
white, tranfverfely marked with narrow afh-coloured bars : chin
pale cinereous white: juft round the eye bare of feathers : between
the legs white : legs long and yellow.
Inhabits Cayenne...
Dubious Falcon, Aril. Zool. "ii. N? 1 *2„
JLEN( 1G T H ten inches: weight fix ounces. Bill dufky.: cere
and irides yellow.:, head dufky, ftreaked.with ruft-colour:
back and wing coverts brown, edged with ruft: primaries dufky
affi-colour, barred with black, the inner webs marked tranfverfely
with oval ferruginous fpots : breaft and belly dirty white, marked
with' oblong ftreaks of brown, not unlike the Englijh M erlin: tail
long, of a deep cinereous, crofled'w-ithfour bars o f black, re fern-
bling that o f the Sparrow-Hawki
Inhabits New Fork and Carolina i not improbably a variety o f
the Pigeon-Hawk *.
* Aril; Zool.—It is alf©: greatly fimilar to my American Brown Hawk, Syn. i,
p j f f l K 84..
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Place. •
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