60. y*
, 2 3 B i L E N G T H eleven inches. Bill blueifh at the bafe; towards
D e s c r i p t i o n . the tip white : head a(h-colour: neck pale yellowifh green j
lower part o f the neck all round, the middle of the wing near the
fhoulder, and all the under parts, white : the whole of the outer
edge, o f the wing, and the quills, black, with whitifli edges:
body above, and tail, greenilh afh-colour; end of the tail dufky:
legs blueifh : daws black.
P lace. Inhabits India. Mr. Middleton.— \ obferve one of the above in
the.drawings o f Mrs. Wheeler, in which the legs were yellow.
Order V. G A L L I N A C E O U S .
G e n u s X L Y I I I . T U R K E Y .
Wild Turkey, Arft. Zool. ii. N° 178,-~*Faun. Arag. p. 80.
, j <H E S E are cultivated in Sweden, and even in Norway; but
they degenerate in fize. They are alfo common in all parts
o f Ruffia, but will not thrive in Sibiria *.
Horned Turkey, Gen. Syn. iv. p. 680. N° 2, 2.
T H A V E lately had an opportunity o f feeing a male o f this beautiful
fpecies in moft perfeft plumage, brought from India by
Mrs. Wheeler. I cannot add any thing to the defcription before
given o f that fex, further than to obferve, that the tail is rounded
in fhape, and compofed Of twenty feathers, which are blackifh at
the ends.
In the Leverian Mufeum is a moft beautiful and perfedt fpeci- Femali-
men of the female. This fex is without the horns, fo confpicuous
in the male. The feathers of the head and part of the neck are
filky black, with a blue glofs, marked on the fides of the throat
with an irregular patch of red : the feathers on the back part of
the head and nape are crimfon ; and the whole top of the head fur-
nifhed with long loofe feathers, tending backwards: the markings
on the body much like thofe of the male, but fcarce fo bright: the
back, and part of the wing covert?, befides the fpots of white, are
in both moft beautifully intermixed with ftreaks of black and crimfon
upon a fillemot ground: the rump and tail feathers fomewhat
* Arél. Zool.
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