406 C U R A S S O W.
D e s c r i p t i o n ^
Le Hocco à tête calleufe, Brif, Orn. 8vo, i. p. 87,
Ç I Z E almoft of a Turkey. General colour black, except the
vent and under tail coverts, which are white : on the crown of
P l a c e *
the head is a horny fubftance, about two inches in height, broad
at bottom j ending at top in a blunt point, not unlike a helmet r
the bill and legs are red.
Inhabits Curajfao..
G h n-ïts-
N° i i . Impeyan Ph.
ia . Coloured Ph.
N° 13. African Ph.
Domeltic Cock, Gen. Syn. iv. p.700..
E changes in the plumage o f hen birds has been mentioned
in the Synopjis; but 1 find that the circumftance does not
happen merely in thofefemales which have done laying or fitting.
Mr. L . Porter informs me, that he once had a black Game Hen,
which one year grew fpotted, and the following year quite white.
Spurs were obferved to grow on her legs, and Ihe crowed at intervals
like a Cock. Notwithstanding this, fire laid eggs and bred
for fome years after. As to age, the common poultry would, no
doubt, if permitted, live a long while. A Hen was living, at a
place called Highberries, in Cumberland, in iy 77> then thirty years
old, full in feather, and very fat j but had not laid any eggs for fix
or feven years paft *.
The Harking fowls are obferved to be much larger than thole
from other places in England, being frequently known to weigh
from feven to eight pounds when plucked; though they will now
and then weigh much beyond this. A friend of mine fent a cargo
of thefe fowls into Scotland, one of the Cocks of which weighed
nearly fourteen founds.
* Mr» TtojJlall.
s I H A V E