i 5o G R O S B E A K .
CARDINAL GR Cardinal Grofbeak> Gl«- SJ” - iii. p. 118. N» 13,— ArS. Zool. ii. N° n o .
A Relation o f Mr. Tunft all's had a pair of thefe birds, which
built a neft in an orange-tree placed in the aviary, and laid
eS § s > but while the hen was fitting, an high wind blew down
the neft, whereby the eggs were broke: young birds were found
in them.
MADAGASCAR Madagafcar Grofbeak, Gen. Sjn. iii. p. 119. N° 15.
IS beautiful fpecies inhabits India: but in the drawings of
Lady Impey, which afcertain the circumftance, the bill is
white : the head, neck, back, breaft, and belly, are o f a full
crimfon: the greater part of the wings and tail brown. Whereas,
in that defcribed by Brijfon*, the middle o f each feather of the
back is daihed with brown, and a black mark between the bill
and eye. It is known in India by the name o f the CommonTotty.
PARADISE GR. Paradife Grolbeak, Gen. Sjn. iii. p. 122. N° 14.
R * I'nnjiall has twice been fuccefsful in hatching young ones
o f this fpecies in his aviary, each time bringing one to per“
fedtion. One o f them lived a week, the other a fortnight; but
they were forfaken by the mother at laft; fuppofed to have happened
from being too much difturbed. While the hen was fitting,
if any one looked on her, it threw her into Arrange agitation,
writhing herfelf into a form almoft horrid, and feeming to
* VoL iii. p. 112.
4 be
be falling into convulfions. The cock frequently fang, and would
do it almoft at command, but in fo low a note, as fcarce to be
heard, except quite clofe to the cage.
Dominican Grofbeak, Gen. Sjn. iii. p. 123. N° 20.
Mr. 1 unftall, when he informs me, that he has had both the
Dominican and Crefted Grojbeak in his pofieffion, and is o f opinion
that they are feparate fpecies. O f the firft, he has had feveral,
fome o f which have lived many years, but never could afcertain the
cocks from the hens; nor did any o f them attempt to fing in the
leaft. As to the Crefted one, it feemed to differ both in manners
and fize, and is a much fcarcer bird -, never more than three known
at the time he had his. It lived with him at leaft fourteen years,
and appeared worn out with age, and died in the time o f moult.
It now and then called out, but never had what might be termed
a fing .
Java Grofbeak, Gen. Sin. iii. p. 129. N°29. 29. 4- JAVA GR.
T H A V E my fufpicions, that the want o f white on the cheeks is
not the charadteriftic mark o f the female, but is more probably
the effedt of immature age, as I met lately with a number o f thefe
in a cage juft imported, wherein the ufual white fpace on the
cheeks was mottled brown and white, appearing as if in the
change towards perfedtion. Mr. Tunftall has alfo obferved a fi-
milar circumftance in a bird in his own colleftion.