'brown, more or lefs dreaked and fpotted wi th rufous white: between
the bill and eye, alfo the chin, white : on the back the marks are
pale rufous, and pretty numerous, arifing from each feather having
five or fix tranfverfe bars of that colour on the margins: the wing
coverts have lefs brown in them, appearing at a didance fcarcely
marked with i t : the quills are rufous cream-colour,, dotted with
minute fpecks of brown ; the four firft have the outer webs and
ends of a dufky black ; the lhaft of the outmoft one white: under
wing coverts pale rufous : the bread and fides are of this lad
colour, but much paler, and tranfverfely barred with dulky waved
lines, broadeft on the fides : the middle of the belly and thighs
plain : vent nearly white : tail rufous, croffed with fix or feven
bars of brown on each feather ; the three outer ones quite irregular
s the two middle ones paled : legs black, and bare for an inch
and a quarter above the knee.
Inhabits Hudfon’s Bay. Given to me by Mr. Hutchins.
T E N 'G T H feventeen inches. Bill three inches long, turning
upwards; the bafe half pale, the red black : top o f the head
blackifb, fpotted or dreaked with dufky white : fides of thh head
and back part o f the neck much the fame: lore dufky : over the
eyes, from the bill, a white dreak : chin nearly white : back and
fcapulars dufky brown, fpotted with rufous white, onefpot being
placed on each fide of the fhaft, for the mod part, though in the
large feathers two : wing coverts brown, fome o f the middle ones
mixed with paler, with the addition of fome white fpots ; larger
coverts plain afh-colour : quills black, the fhafts w hite; the bafe
of all, from the fourth, white to about one third o f their length:
rump, and upper tail coverts, white : the under parts o f the bird,
the whole way from the throat to the vent, fine rufous chefnut,
waved acrofs with dufky lines, each feather having a narrow line
near the tip : the tail feathers white at the bafe, taking up mod
fpace as the feathers approach outwards 5 the red o f their length
dufky b la ck : legs black : wings and tail ofequal lengths.
I received this, with the former, from Mr. Hutchins..