Pl. CX.
D escription*
D e s c r i p t i o n .
a half long, curved, as in that bird, but douter; colour red j
nodrils oval, placed near the bafe. The head is pretty full o f fear-
thers, which do not lay fmooth, being fomewhat ditheveljed, as in
fome of the Paradife Birds: the colour of the bead, neck, bread,
and back, black, with a glofs, in fome lights of red, and in others
o f green: the belly velvet black: wingcoverts black; glolfed with
green: quills and tail gloffy blue black : on the inner webs of the
firft fix prime quills is an oval fpot of white, almod an inch and a
half from the tip : the tail is cuneiform ; the longed feathers
eight inches, the Ihorted or outer ones only three inches, in
length; the two middle ones are plain black throughout, the
others marked with a fpot of white on each fide of the web, about
an inch from the end ; thefe fpots are nearly oval in lhape, and
placed obliquely, but not quite oppofite to each other J the legs
are an inch long, and dour,.as are the toes, the outer one united
to the middle pretty deeply; the colour of the legs and toes red ;
the legs feathered half way" down;. claws hooked, and black..
This curious fpecies I fird faw in the colleftion of the late
Dutchels Dowager of Portland, who informed me, that the per-
fon die had it from reported it to have come from Africa. It is
now in the pofifeffion of Colonel Davies. Among the drawings of
Captain Paterfon I likewife obferve a figure of this bird, differing
only in having the bill dufky indead o f red. The drawing was
made from a fpecimen met with in India.
q ] Z E o f the lad : length twelve inches. Bill two inches long,
^ douter titan in the Hoopoe, and more curved, the colour black :