234 H E R O N .
but their preietfl fcarcity in England has hitherto prevented their
appearing in common. In the Britijh Mufeum is a complete tail,
with the under tail coverts annexed, in good prefervation.
White S tork, Gen, Sytr. v. p.47. N° 9.
'T 'W O inltances have been mentioned, in our former volumes,
of this bird having been met with, in England S in addition
to which, Mr. Boys informs me, that one has been picked up dead,
but frelh, on the Ihore o f Sandwich Bay. Another was alfo Ihot,
in the winter o f 1785, at Southfleet, in Kent*, but perilhed before
I had notice o f it.
Night Heron, Gen, Sy*. v. p. 5.2. N° iy.
Ardea hyfticorax, Sepp Vog, pi. in p. 151.
r j 'H E nell in Sepp’s plate is made, in an artlefs manner, of dry
flicks s and the eggs are of a pale blue.
Bittern,. Syn. v. p. 56. N° v j.
Ardea llellaris, Sepp Vog. 'pX, in p. 74.
T Believe that this bird may be met with in the marlhes about us
A at all feafons, yet is obferved to be moll frequent in winter.
Mr. Boys informs me, that it is never feen about Sandwich, except
in very cold weather; and that in particular, in the fevere feafon
in January 1784, great numbers were Ihot thereabouts.
The Bittern with us feems to be rifing into efteem for the ufe of
* Communicated by Mr. Macreth,
the table, being, as well as the Heron, feen expofed for fale in the
London markets; but the palates of our filler kingdom feem to
relilh it greatly, as I have been informed, that fometimes half a
guinea is given for one in Dublin * . This fpecies is found on the
continent, in various parts o f RuJ/ia, and in A fia ; m Siberia, as far
north as the river Lena, and is continued confiderably to the
north f , We have reafon to think, that it is likewife an inhabitant
o f moll o f the milder parts of the old continent; and not improbably
met with alfo in fome part of India and China, as we
have feen it reprefented in paintings from thofe parts, though not
fo commonly as the Heron; which lalt, we are informed, is very
frequent af Bengal, where it is called Aunjun\.
Little Bittern, Gen. Sjn. v. p. 65. N° 27,
Ardeola, Sepp Fog. pL in p. 57.
T N Sepp the neft is placed on the ground, and compofed of Ihort
* bits of flicks, with here and there a flag leaf interfperfed. The
eggs four in number; the fize o f thole o f a Blackbird, and
*7 -
Cinnamon Heron, Gen. Syr., v. p- 77- N°+}.
TVY fome fine Chinefe drawings which came under my infpeflion,
x find the tail to be of a bright ferruginous chefnut, rather
■ deeper than the colour of the back. It alfo inhabits India.
? Mr. Jaiifin. f ArS. Zook t Mr. Middleton.
H h * Snowy