54 S H R I K E .
41. A.
Spotted Cayenne Shrike, Gen. Sjin. i. p, 189. N°4I. A.
T N the colle&ion o f Colonel Davies is a bird o f this kind, differing
in having the forehead o f a pale buff-colour, a rufous
fpot on the ears, and the belly of a plain grey-colour.
Magpie Shrike, Gen. Syn. i, p. 192. N°49.
'J ^ H I S bird inhabits South America. On a label tied to the leg
of” one which came from Cayenne was written Vale Savane,
which I apprehend to be the name which the bird is there
known by.
D e s c r i p t io n .
Pie-grifche d’ltalie, Buf. Oif. i. p. 298.— PL Bnl, 32;
LeiTer Grey Shrike, Air a . Zool. ii. p. 241. B.
' T H E forehead is black: acrofs the eyes a line o f black : the
head, hind part and fides of the neck, the back, and wing
coverts, cinereous, paled on the rump; ridge of the wing white:
prime quills black, with a fpot of white near the bafe ; feconda-
ries black, with white tips : throat white : bread and belly tinged
with rofe-colour : tail feathers black; the ends of all but the two
middle ones tipped with white.
This is found both in Spain and Italy j it alfo inhabits RuJ/ia,
but not Sibiria.
M ace.
E N G T H fix inches. Bill one inch, hooked at the tip, colour
dufky : the head much creded; the feathers of it three
■ quarters o f an inch long: the head, and all the forepart of the neck
quite to the middle o f the belly, black : the upper part o f the
body of a greyifh afh-colour 5 between the wings mottled with
brown: wing coverts tipped with white, hence the wing appears
barred with white ; the outer edge of the fécond quills white :: the
upper tail coverts and tail tipped with white ; on the outer feather
two white fpots : legs black.
One along with the above, fuppofed to be the female, wanted Female.'.
the cred : the crown was blackifh : chin and throat afh-colour :
the upper part o f the body much like the other; between the
fhoulders mottled with white : the tail feathers the fame as in the
male, but the outer margins white,.
Thefe were brought from Cayenne, Place..
Nootka Shfike, Brit. Zool. ii. N° 130.' 4- NOOTKA
SHR T E N G T H feven inches and a quarter. Bill black, except the Descrip1!10Wi
upper half o f the lower mandible : crown, lower part of the
neck behind, and the. back, black : over the eye a white line, extending
quite to the nape ; beneath that, one of black from this
to thé chin wholly white : a narrow white circle encompafles the
neck: leder wing coverts black; greater white,, more or lefs
dafhed down the fhafts with black; prime quills, dufky, edged:
with yellowifh brown ; fecondaries black, edged and tipped with
white:, tail black, a little rounded; the four outer feathers tipped
with white: rump cinereous, the edges of the feathers grey:,
legs black*
This was brought from Nootka Sound, in North America, Place. .
3 Le grand.