Eider Duck, Gen, Syn. vi. p, 470. N°Z9.
Anas Molliffima, Brun. N° 57—-66.— Sparyrn. Muf, Carlf. pi. 6,
^ J 'H I S very feldom vifits the fouthern part of this ifland j yet
Mr. Boys informs me, that he had a defcription o f a bird fhot
in the IJland o f Vianet, March 1786, which could be no other than
a male o f this fpecies.
Velvet Duck, Gen. Syn. vi. p. 482. N° 37.
t J 'H E Scoter and Velvet Duck are greatly fimilar in plumage, the
laft chiefly differing from the former in having the white
mark beneath the eye, and a band of the fame acrofs the w in g ;
but internally they differ much : the male of the Scoter is totally
without a labyrinth, or enlargement o f the windpipe, in any part;
but the Velvet Duck has a very confpicuous fwelling, of a roundilh
form, about the fize o f a fmall walnut, at about two thirds o f its
length; though at the entrance into the lungs there is no real la-
byrinth, only an enlargement.
Red-billed Whittling Duck, Gen. Syn. vi* p, 498. N° 47.
Anas autumnalis, Jacq. Vog. p. 6. N* 4.
rJ pH E bill in young birds is black. This fpecies is very common
at New Grenada, in South America, and is frequently
kept tame in the farm-yards between the tropics, but is apt to be
quarrelfome, and will often fly away. The Spaniards call the bird
Pifejtc, from its voice; the Englijh, Main-Duck. This is frequently
brought into Europe, and has propagated in an aviary at
Shonbrun, in Sweden, •
Shield rake.
SHIELDRAKE. M. Daubenton * talks o f a mixed breed between the Shieldrake
and Common Duck-, but fays that the produce was not
Spanilh Duck, Gen. Syn. vi. p. 525. N°69.
Anas viduata, Jacq. Fog. p. 3. 1 .1.
rT *H IS fpecies inhabits Carthagena, in South America. The
, word Vindila, as written by Linnaus, is certainly an error of
the prefs; it (hould have been viudita, which ligriifies a little widow,
and was intended to be fo called f .
It has been obferved to me, that the White-headed Duck o f Sco-
poli%, and the Ural Duck o f Dr. Pallas\, are the fame with this
bird, notwithffanding the above authors confider them as new fpecies
§. The Spanijh Duck was firfl: defcribed by Linnaus, and I
muft confefs that the defcription o f the three birds in queftion
agree with each other exceedingly.
Welteni Duck, Gen. Syn. vi. p. 332. N° 74.
Anas difpar, M. & Fen). Sparrm. Muf. Carlf. pi, 7.
male has been before defcribed.
Ths female has the whole plumage mixed brown and ferruginous,
not unlike that o f the Woodcock. The quills are all ftrait,
and of a dulky colour; the fecondaries have lome o f them white
* Encyclopedic methodique, vol. i. p. 341. ■ f Jaaptin. , J Ann. i. N° 79.
|| Tram. ii. p. 713. § Mr. Pennant.
N n 2