Suffused Stork's-bill.
P. suffusum, ramis villoso-pilosis, foliis rotundo-cordatis
obsolete quinquelobis undulatis acute dentatis utrm-
que pilosis mollibus, stipulis ovatis acutis subden-
tatis villoso-ciliatis, bracteis mucronatis, umbellis
plurifloris, petalis omnibus obovatis, tubo necta-
rifero brevissimo calyce villoso dimidio breviore.
Weltje’s Isabella Geranium. Hortulanorum.
Stem frutescent, erect, branching: branches thickly
clothed with soft spreading villous hairs, as are the petioles,
peduncles, bractes, and calyx. Leaves roundly
cordate, very slightly 5-lobed, very much undulate, and
toothed with numerous sharp but shortish teeth, that
are unequal in length, strongly 3-nerved from the base,
the nerves branching; very soft to the touch, being
thickly clothed with short soft hairs on both sides. Petioles
flattened, and slightly furrowed on the upper side,
convex underneath. Stipules ovate, tapering to a slender
point, often sharply toothed, villous duncles and fringed. Pe
cylindrical, rather slender. Umbels several-flowered.
Involucre of several bractes, connected into two
or three sets at the base - bractes ovate, keeled, terminated
by a sharp mucrone. Pedicles long and slender,
villous. Calyx 5-cleft; the segments lanceolate, sharp-
pointed, erect, thickly clothed with white villous hairs. Nectariferous tube short, about half the length of the calyx,
flattened on each side, and gibbous at the base,
villosely hairy. Petals 5, all obovate, of an elegant blush,